Thursday, January 14, 2021

Sensory Swings

 Sensory Scout sells Sensory Swings made of nets and tied to a beam or branch, or the roof. Very relaxing, awesome for out of control children, especially those for whatever reason hurt themselves. Very simple, amazing technology.



This article bears re-reading several times


At this time of Ascension on Earth, the Mother has gifted us through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, 13 Universal Laws.


Universal Law explains very simply how things work in the higher realms. Studying and practicing these wondrous Divine Laws — Laws of Love — are a way to balance, within and without.

Sanat Kumara, our beloved Planetary Logos is the Keeper of Universal Law, and in 2013, SK, the Mother and the Buddha explained these Laws to us through Linda Dillon.

The Law of Sacred Purpose teaches us that we each have Divine Sacred Purpose, and that our purpose can be joyfully uncovered, discovered, as we let go, surrender with forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, the old ways of the entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and our core issues.

The Law of Intent reminds us to bring to right alignment — balance — all thoughts, emotions, and actions every moment of every day, to be the kind, loving, unitive beings that we truly are.

The Law of Above and Below, Within and Without, Balance teaches us that what we are holding within is often reflected to us in our external reality. The subconscious and unconscious entrenched beliefs, the false grids, and mental emotional constructs of our core issues re-create realities not of love. As within, so without.

With awareness of old ways of being, the Law of Above and Below, Within and Without helps us understand and know with forgiveness, compassion, gratitude we come to balance — Nova Being and Nova Earth — as within, so without.

The Law of Change reminds us that everything is in a constant state of change — the Infinite and Eternal Flow — that we can let go of the old ways not of love more easily from our centre, in balance, understanding and knowing that the Mother’s Constant Flow of Love is never-changing, and even though we may have countless lifetimes, assuming different forms with different characteristics, our core, the essence of Who We Are, that Divine Spark of Mother/Father One, does not change.

The Law of Give and Receive states that as we give we must receive. That is the Law, and it is related to our joy, being in the Eternal flow ofLove, especially gratitude for self and everyone, this planet and theDivine Mother, in harmony with everything.

The Law of Attachment and Detachment teaches us to attach to the highest vision for All, the Love. When we attach to ‘information gathering’, then detach from everything not of love, and attach to the highest vision for the being, the situation, for everything, we create the New.

The Law of Unification, Unity illustrates that in the centre, in balance, where all are Loved equally, there is no hierarchy, control, oppression. There is brotherhood, sisterhood, heart connection, community, global family, peace, Love, joy, harmony. We are One.

The Law of Transmutation is a way for us to transmute — change — old ways of being, old energy not of love, situations, back to original purity. We find at the kernel of mostly everything is Love.

The Law of Instantaneous Transmission reminds us that subconscious and unconscious entrenched beliefs, the false grids and mental emotional constructs, our core issues, lack of self-love and lack of self-worth, are what hold us back from our creations being instantaneous.

The Law of Karmic Dispensation teaches us that the Mother forgives absolutely everything and that we also can be that constant state of forgiveness, be as forgiving as She is. With apologies and forgiveness, compassion and gratitude we create Nova Being and Nova Earth.

The Law of Attraction and Repulsion teaches us we can attract anything we desire — our core is Love and worth, Love attracts Love, worth attracts worth — and repulse what is not of love and worth. We see repulsion happening in the movements against gun violence, sexual violence, gender inequality: “Enough is enough.”

The Law of Elimination is one to use for extreme situations, starting within of hatred, judgement, bigotry, racism, ‘being right’, our unconscious phrases not of love, and all control, greed, lack, limitation and then move to the without for pollution, radiation, war, and the toxins, the disease, the chemicals that poison our land, our animals, our air, and foul our oceans.

We are eliminating man-made, human creations not of love — never people — where there is no kernel of Love at the core. This Law is closely connected to the Law of Dispensation, forgiveness of everything, compassion from a place of gratitude.

The Law of Completion and Continuity explains that as we complete levels of learning, there is completion, but that there is always more, that we are Infinite and Eternal.

Universal Law invocations are a way to balance everything, a way to co-create Nova Earth with the higher realms.

We can call on, invoke Sanat Kumara, Keeper of Universal Law, for help with any troubling situation, personal or global. This is his Divine Sacred Purpose.

Here is an example of an invocation for balance:

I invoke Sanat Kumara and the Universal Law of Above and Below,

Within and Without, Balance for _____________________________.

May we let go of everything that is not of love. 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Ascension Process according to Cobra


Cobra, Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Bubbles of Heaven Update
The purpose of this update is to provide clarifications of the Bubbles of Heaven article to the surface population.
First, the six phases of a phase transition will be explained in more detail. Each of those phases is a complete stage of a planetary Ascension process and is estimated to last somewhere between a few months to a few years. This is as close as you will ever get to an answer to your question “when will the Event happen?”, on this blog.
The first phase of phase transition is called Interface Evaporation phase. This phase started in 2012 and ended on January 21st, 2019. Interface Evaporation phase means that thermal flux (in our case energy from the Galactic Central Sun) is administered to the interface (in our case the surface of the planet) and creates a convection current above the interface surface (this equals the awakening of the surface population between 2012 and 2019).
The second phase of phase transition is called Bubble Condensation phase. This phase started on January 21st, 2019 and is now ongoing. This phase means that enough thermal flux has been administered to the surface to allow pure phase transition from liquid water (matrix society) into water vapor (galactic society) in some extremely small and isolated areas on the surface. During the Bubble Condensation phase, those Bubbles of Heaven emerge, repattern and reorganize in full accordance to the Ising model:
During this phase, the Bubbles of Heaven get slowly and progressively larger with less entropy, whereas the surrounding matrix society gets progressively more unstable with more entropy.
This is precisely the reason why some people are guided to put less attention to outer daily politicking and more attention to inner spiritual growth:
The third phase of phase transition is called Bubble Elevation phase. This phase sees the thermal flux from the Galactic Central Sun rising exponentially, with more and more Bubbles of Heaven actively forming and matrix society actively collapsing, until the thermal flux peaks at the moment of the Event.
The moment of the Event is the moment of critical thermal flux, the matrix society collapses, the Contact is made, the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed, and we enter into the fourth phase.
The fourth phase is called Unstable Film Boiling phase. Bubbles of Heaven have connected on the surface of the planet into a stable network (film) which forms the backbone of the new society, whereas the society itself as a whole is unstable, but processing, integrating and stabilizing. Islands of Light are being fully formed with active Contact.
The fifth phase is called Stable Film Boiling phase. Islands of Light on the surface of the planet become active conversion/inversion zones through which individual and group Ascension process is taking place. First Ascension wave with thousands of people ascending takes place. Some of them return to the surface as Ascended beings and prepare the second Ascension wave with hundreds of thousands of people ascending. Some of those return to the surface and prepare the surface population for the third wave.
During the fifth phase, the surface population fully integrates new advanced technologies and is healed enough to accept the Light as a whole.
The sixth phase is called the Final Flash phase. Phase transition is complete. The Galactic Central Sun triggers the Solar event and the planetary polar shift. Millions of people ascend in the Third wave and the rest of humanity is evacuated from the surface of the planet into the Galactic Fleet which transports them to a suitable planet in the Pleiades star cluster which will become the new home for humanity.
At that moment, the surface of the planet is hit by a tsunami which washes the planet clean. The only areas unaffected are Islands of Light, which are populated by advanced star beings, many of them being YOU. Then, the New Atlantis is being built on the New Earth.
Now that you have more understanding of the overall plan, it can safely be released that the Light Forces have completed the construction of an underground base below northern Taiwan, which can accept 3 billion people. A similar, but smaller base is being built in a certain location in Central Europe, and another one at a certain location in South America, with another one planned for Africa. These bases may be used as evacuation options.
You need to understand that what we have achieved on January 21st is huge. Bubbles of Heaven are the first signs of a totally new reality which belongs to the new cosmic cycle:
Whenever you align with the Light, your life will be easier and easier. Whenever you focus on the old world falling apart, things get worse again.
Time now does not favor intel junkies. It favors people who take their life in their own hands. Whatever your life situation now is, you can turn it into something much better in a few years or less, if you really dedicatedly work on it, regardless of the timing of the Event.
Kindergarten reactions and comments to some aspects of my previous article were predicted, expected and deflected. The mission continues.
Also, some people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about when they rant about the Resistance Movement coded messages, distributing nonsense over the internet in obscure youtube videos. It is so beyond their level of understanding as quantum mechanics is above the level of understanding of an average Rhesus monkey.
The Pleiadians are actively monitoring, evaluating and encouraging the progress of awakening of the most aware part of the surface population, and sending detached but loving energy to everyone else.
Just 30 minutes before our mass meditation, Semjase has arranged a “meteor flash” on the Moon. The astronomer detecting the flash “had a feeling that this will be the time” and prepared the telescopes in advance:
This was a certain signal from Semjase, meaning of which can not yet be revealed to the surface population.
Let me just say that a few days later, GSSAP, the Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program, has been forced to rearrange the orbits of its surveillance satellites as a response to the activity of the Pleiadian fleet.
The Resistance has communicated that all intel about toplet bombs is now deep black. The only thing that can be said is the toplet bombs are not removed yet, but are losing power gradually.
The Resistance has also said that most people who volunteered for Entry Protocols are far from being ready, and certain “social dynamics” articles and workshops will be released to the surface population to increase preparedness.
These will also be released to prepare people to create and expand Bubbles of Heaven and Islands of Light.
The first one will be Soul Families workshop which will be taking place in Budapest, Hungary on March 16th and 17th. You are more than welcome to join us:
Hungary is one of the most important Goddess Vortexes on the planet, since the creation of Lengyel and Tisza neolithic Goddess cultures:
During the preparation for the workshop, these pillars of Light have appeared in Hungary:
Goddess Unity is coming:
Victory of the Light!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Kryon warns of a mini ice age

Global Warming or
Mini Ice Age?   
Source: Kryon Newsletter Special Bulletin

Hopefully as you read this, many of you in the northern hemisphere are able to stay warm! My country is now seeing the beginning weather change of what is going to occur over and over. This "absurdly cold weather not seen before" (CNN) is upon us.

The most on-going controversial message from Kryon continues to be weather change. For over a decade, Kryon has given the statement "Cold is coming." The main controversy is that this information is totally at odds from the current popular on-going push about Global warming." Kryon is a "greenie," and has said many times to clean up the pollution because we are killing ourselves. He also tells us that the planet will survive with or without us.

ASHEVILLE, NC - 2008: "You're in a water cycle that is profoundly set to create a mini-ice-age. It may seem odd to you that it gets hot before it has to get cold, but if you will look into your geology records, you will find the exact same thing has happened before."

Kryon has also told us that what is happening now while Humans are here, is the same as what happened before when Humans were not here. It's a cycle of weather that we did NOT cause, and which the planet has seen numerous times. It is linked to the cosmos (the sun), and the ice-core samples clearly show this cycle.

Climatology is like Economics: Very few will agree. But Kryon has also told us this: "You don’t have time to argue. Eventually the issue will solve itself when you simply look out the window."  The entire reason for Kryon's message about the coming cold is that our electric grid will fail, and many may not survive.

The grid is not designed to generate the heat we need with the temperatures that are coming. We are out of time. Instead, Kryon admonishes the power industry to allow the new inventions for electricity production which are here, available, and not being developed fast enough.

These inventions allow individual homes and neighborhoods to produce their own power off the grid. Kryon's interest is not political, but compassionate. He warns us to make these changes now to save thousands of lives.

What can we do about all this?  Have a very strong visualization about seeing industry on-board with this new technology. I believe that if enough of us are aware of “what is out there,” synchronicities will occur and that our consciousness will prevail. This has always been the message of KRYON.

Look at what is happening already with how society is starting to wake up to inappropriate things that have always been there. Now it’s time for the same thing to happen with old energy technology. We can do it!

Snuggle up and stay warm,

Friday, January 4, 2019

DIY Ventilators

Shampoo Bottle Ventilators

This doctor is turning shampoo bottles into "ventilators" and it's helping children survive pneumonia.

Posted by ATTN: on Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Schools that teach vegetable gardening
A small scale farming project in Cape Town is taking hold

A small scale farming project in Cape Town is taking hold. Three schools in the Southern Peninsula grow their own organic vegetables. And students are now reaping the rewards of their hard work. The Neighbourhood Farms project is an initiative, of presenter and chef, Justin Bonello. eNCA’s Nadine Theron has more. Courtesy #DStv403

Posted by eNCAnews on Friday, December 21, 2018