Thursday, December 22, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Kryon's advice on producing unlimited electricity
From Kryon Book 1 Chapter 4
" must get rid of your artificially produced, volatile small particle fuels. These are absolutely the most dangerous substances on Earth. Use your science and start a discovery program to neutralize these deadly materials. If you start now, by 1999 you will receive a scientific window of opportunity that will reward you with results. Abandon the use of these materials for any purpose whatsoever. As a race of intelligent beings, why would you ever have developed and manufactured a poison that you could not control, and barely contain, in such mass quantity? Begin using your enlightened minds to understand the two important inexhaustible areas where power for your cities should be drawn from: (1) There is unlimited heat directly below the feet of every human on Earth. And you already understand that heat equals power. It should never be necessary to consume anything for heat. Learn how to obtain and harness it! (2) Understand the incredible consistent energy of the tidal actions on your coasts. (After all, isn't that where many of your major cities are?) The universe has provided you with tons and tons of push-pull action-just waiting for you to use it! You already understand the benefits of hydro-electric power. It's yours; it's free, clean, and it's forever."
" must get rid of your artificially produced, volatile small particle fuels. These are absolutely the most dangerous substances on Earth. Use your science and start a discovery program to neutralize these deadly materials. If you start now, by 1999 you will receive a scientific window of opportunity that will reward you with results. Abandon the use of these materials for any purpose whatsoever. As a race of intelligent beings, why would you ever have developed and manufactured a poison that you could not control, and barely contain, in such mass quantity? Begin using your enlightened minds to understand the two important inexhaustible areas where power for your cities should be drawn from: (1) There is unlimited heat directly below the feet of every human on Earth. And you already understand that heat equals power. It should never be necessary to consume anything for heat. Learn how to obtain and harness it! (2) Understand the incredible consistent energy of the tidal actions on your coasts. (After all, isn't that where many of your major cities are?) The universe has provided you with tons and tons of push-pull action-just waiting for you to use it! You already understand the benefits of hydro-electric power. It's yours; it's free, clean, and it's forever."