Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hair growth and eagle eyesight

  • 200 g of flaxseed oil
  • 4 lemons
  • 1 kg of honey
  • 3 small garlic cloves
First, peel the garlic and blend it in a blender with the lemons until you get a homogenous mixture. Then, add the flaxseed oil and the honey into the mixture and mix it again. Next, transfer the mixture into a jar and store it in the fridge. You should consume 1 tablespoon of this remedy 30 minutes before a meal. So, you need to consume 3 tablespoons of this mixture a day, before meals. Make sure you use a wooden spoon.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Quick and Easy Solar Water Purifier

This allows you to turn dirty water into clean drinking water using only the sun. This can potentially supply everyone on the planet with clean drinking water, even in the middle of a jungle or out at sea.

Always use the dirty bottle as the dirty bottle and the clean bottle as the clean bottle, otherwise you might drink in germs and get sick. Make sure to color and mark the bottles accordingly, and do not dip the tube into dirty water. Draw the tube onto the clean bottle, and color the clean bottle differently than the dirty bottle.

Make sure both bottles are transparent so you see exactly where the dirty and clean water are. If a bottle is contaminated, throw it away or clean it very, very well.

One bottle is not worth your health.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The future of fire fighting with sound

Check it out, here’s some technology that can find a lot of uses, especially in putting out fires.

There are cars in america that have these massive speakers that when you play bass on them, they make the windows in the nearby houses vibrate.

What if you took one of these cars and put it beside a burning house, could it put out the fire, without any firefighters having to go in and risking their lives?

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Jason Quitt Multidimensional Traveler

Jason Quitt has a lot of books co-authored with , some of the ones I like:

and search Amazon for Bob Mitchell and Jason Quitt

After publishing a book with Jason Quitt, Bob Mitchell died of several kinds of cancer at once. Cancer is often an exit strategy a soul can use to leave Earth. This tells me that that book was sent from the Universe and so important that somebody lived just so this book can get to us. Then again, maybe somebody didn't like the book and had him killed.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

3D printing using cement

A construction company printed an entire house in 24 hours and it only cost $10,000.