Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Monday, April 3, 2017
New theory combining quantum physics with metaphysics
I have some realizations to share after watching Nassim Haramein's Conscious Life Expo presentation (Connected Universe). It got me thinking that the proton and electron are male and female. The proton is female, and the electron is male. The electron moves around in space (orbits the proton), and in doing so, defines a space (the borders of the atom). And maybe, the proton moves around in TIME, defining a start and end, marking when the atom was born and when it will return to source. .
In metaphysics, and in microbiology, the female is usually larger than the male, and cannot move around (much), because it contains (houses) the nutrients, like a bank, while the male is small and goes around, zipping here and there, looking for food, and deposits it in the female. Think womb or house. The walls of the womb or house define a space, and the female manages the house. It provides nutrients to the baby / children, which are the creation. The male manages the car and provides the female with the nutrients, (by hunting / bringing home the bacon) and the female stores the nutrients until the children need them.
You know when we human beings create something, first we define a space to build in and protect the thing under construction? This is how all creator beings create.
A black hole has the same amount of information units (plancks or bytes) on its surface (think of it as a hard drive) as it has inside the core of the black hole (think of that as the processor). The atom has the same amount of electrons (on its surface?) as it has protons in its core (think of each proton and electron as a piece of information, like a byte). See a pattern?
The size of the hard drive defines its storage space (large house / small house) and the size of the processor defines its processing power (big car engine / small car engine). They have to be compatible, or they would not be balanced.
The surface of the black hole is female, absorbing information and energy from its surroundings and taking them apart, storing them for later (like a hard drive). The black hole's nucleus (processor) is consciousness, and builds the blueprint using thought (it is deciding what to create) by moving around the protons inside the nucleus.
Once it's decided on what to create (blueprint is done), the information of the blueprint is saved on the surface of the black hole and is projected out into the matter world outside the black hole. The matter revolving around the black hole (stars and planets) receive the INFORMATION from inside the black hole, through wormholes. Each proton inside the black hole is connected to proton outside the black hole (with which it is "entangled"), via a worm hole.
Physics says that a black hole has gravity so powerful that it has collapsed all the matter inside it into a single atom. So the black hole is actually one humongous atom.
The inside of the black hole is its consciousness, consisting of protons, and the matter outside it is its physical body.
Imagine then that the surface of the black hole is full of electrons revolving around the black hole at light speed. Each electron is actually (the physical representation of) a wormhole, connecting a proton inside the black hole with a proton outside the black hole, a proton that is part of atom in a star going around the black hole. The star then passes on the information to the planets, and the planet/s then passes the information to the people / creatures in it. (Actually Haramein says each proton is connected to a huge number of other protons, a number with 40 zeros.) (Also, I know that wormholes are much, much smaller than an electron, but for some reason I feel that what I said about the electron being a representation of a wormholes is true in one way or another.)
Remember, the nucleus of an atom contains protons, and the black hole is a giant atom.
The information comes from a proton inside the black hole, through the worm hole, to a proton outside the black hole, telling the matter outside the black hole what to create. It is this way that the blueprint inside the (mind of the) black hole turns into a physical experience. And that's exactly what we are doing on Earth - having an experience! An experience dictated by the consciousness inside the black hole, which is (a fragment of) God.