Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The 4-Step Formula for Creation

Excerpt from "The Shift - Why its happening and how its going to affect you" by Jim Self:
"... the 4-step formula for creation is truly this simple:
1. Create an Intention
2. Place your Attention on your Intention
3. Add an emotion such as happy, amused or excited to what you have your attention on and
4. the Universe, through the Law of Attraction, will give to you precisely what you placed your Attention upon. Your job is to receive it... to allow it to come to you... to let yourself have what you just asked for.
In other words, "Ask and it shall be given unto you.”

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Exercise for opening the 3rd eye

From Emergence of the New Human Part II with Jim Self: Open Minds with Regina Meredith, Season 2:Episode 11, on

Also check out Jim Self's book entitled "What do you mean the 3rd dimension is going away?"

Sunday, September 10, 2017

How to reforest the Amazon

2 ecologists convince an orange juice (?) company to dump tons of orange peels in a deforested area in the amazon. After 16 years, it looks as pristine as ever.