Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The 4-Step Formula for Creation

Excerpt from "The Shift - Why its happening and how its going to affect you" by Jim Self:
"... the 4-step formula for creation is truly this simple:
1. Create an Intention
2. Place your Attention on your Intention
3. Add an emotion such as happy, amused or excited to what you have your attention on and
4. the Universe, through the Law of Attraction, will give to you precisely what you placed your Attention upon. Your job is to receive it... to allow it to come to you... to let yourself have what you just asked for.
In other words, "Ask and it shall be given unto you.”

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Exercise for opening the 3rd eye

From Emergence of the New Human Part II with Jim Self: Open Minds with Regina Meredith, Season 2:Episode 11, on

Also check out Jim Self's book entitled "What do you mean the 3rd dimension is going away?"

Sunday, September 10, 2017

How to reforest the Amazon

2 ecologists convince an orange juice (?) company to dump tons of orange peels in a deforested area in the amazon. After 16 years, it looks as pristine as ever.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Biodegradable Paper Plates

These plates have seeds embedded in them. Plant them and see things grow. Or they biodegrade in 3 weeks

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Nigerian App solves community garbage problem

Discardious App by Nigerian Girls harness community power to tackle garbage problem

This could be a model by which any community can be brought together in teamwork using apps, for the good of all.

Most problems are caused by people being too lazy to do something properly, or something like that.

This of course depends on the community's awareness of a problem and willingness to solve it. If the app can somehow bring the effort required to solve the problem down to an acceptable level, hundreds of people could participate.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Cancer is a fungus and can be cured with baking soda


According to Italian doctor Tulio Simonchini, cancer is nothing but a fungus which can be eliminated with baking soda. Dr. Simonchini used this method to cure thousands of patients suffering from different types of cancer, and claims that it is 100% effective.

The therapy isn’t harmful at all and let’s face it – you’ve got nothing to lose. The painful reality of more and more cancer cases is somehow connected to the failures of oncology. “We have to prove that modern oncology is unable to answer all the questions cancer patients have. It’s our moral and ethical commitment to find the real cure for the hardest and deadliest diseases of our time,” says Dr. Simonchini.
Cancer is a fungus!
“About a century ago, there was a great theory that cancer is caused by malfunctioning genes, which means that the disease is intracellular. However, in my opinion, cancer is a fungal infection and a special cellular phenomenon,” says Dr. Simonchini, who has sent shockwaves around the medical community with his claim.
In the plant world, carcinoma is caused by fungal infections, and the same happens in humans. Fungi always carry a tumor with them – this has been proven in both in vivo and in vitro studies. However, scientists believe that they develop after the disease appeared. Dr. Simonchini believes that they were already there before – fungi create cancer, weaken our immune system and then attack the whole body. Every type of cancer is caused by the Candida fungus, which has been confirmed by several studies, and its histological structure is a result of the defensive measures against the invasion. Over time, our tissues are weakened and tired, and they start producing unidentified cells. According to Dr. Simonchini, cancer is an “ulcer” where deformed cells accumulate and form colonies.
Baking soda
The usual antifungal drugs are ineffective against cancer as they only attack the surface of the cells. The main infection is more powerful than a single bacterium, which is why fungal infections last for so long. “I have identified the things that can attack these colonies of fungi – for cancer, it’s baking soda, and a iodine tincture is the best substance for skin cancer,” claims Dr. Simonchini. Many studies have confirmed baking soda’s intracellular action against cancer.
The treatment
“I have used the treatment on my patients for more than 20 years. Many of these patients have completely recovered from the disease, even when doctors gave them no chances. The best way to eliminate a tumor is for it to come in contact with baking soda, which can be applied as an enema for digestive cancers, intravenous injection for brain and lung tumors and inhalation for tumors in the upper respiratory system. Breast, lymph system and subcutaneous tumors can be treated with a local perfusion. Internal organ tumors should be treated with baking soda by applying it directly into the arteries, and it’s also important to treat every type of cancer with the proper dose,” Dr. Simonchini explains, and continues: “For phleboclisis, you’ll need about 500 cm. of 5% or 8.4% solution; in some cases, the mixture only needs to be salty enough. During every treatment, it’s important to know that tumor colonies come back between the 3 and 4 day, and suffer a collapse between the 4 and 5 day, so a minimum of 6 days of treatment is required. The treatment should be repeated for 4 cycles, and has no other side-effects other than thirst and weakness.”
“For skin cancer, you should rub a 0.7% iodine tincture on the affected areas 20-30 times a day. Afterwards, the tumor will not return,” Dr. Simonchini says.
Here are the main symptoms of Candida infection:
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • Anxiety and irritability;
  • Brain fog and nausea;
  • Chronic skin disorders;
  • Chronic digestive disorders;
  • Mood changes;
  • Starch and sugar cravings.
If you have notice at least 2 of these symptoms, you may have an advanced stage of candida infections which may result in cancer, so they should never be ignored.
Treatment and prevention of candida infections
The fungal development must be kept in check. Left untreated, candida can lead to candidiasis which can cause symptoms that mimic other diseases and result in perforation in the intestines and leaky gut syndrome. This will allow protein to attack your blood cells. In order to prevent further problems, we first need to eliminate the foods that feed candida – sugar and starch. This means no bread, candy, fresh fruit, pasta and rice for a while. Focus on eating raw fruit and steamed vegetables, and some people have had great results with grapefruit seeds. Dr. Simonchini recommends using aluminum-free baking soda for the treatment of cancer. It can be found in almost all health stores and pharmacies.
How the therapy works
Baking soda significantly increases the alkalinity of your blood which destroys the fungi. Due to this, baking soda quickly disintegrates the tumor, leaving it without defense.
For stomach, colon, rectal and oral cancer, you need to take 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water every morning and evening for a month. In most cases, this is enough time to eliminate the tumor. The therapy should last 3-4 weeks and not a day more. Dr. Simonchini’s therapy also usually requires intravenous injections as well. For best results, you’ll need 500 ml. of 5% baking soda solution applied in the vein directly every day. Do this for 24 days, then go for a scan. Vaginal fungal infections have become pretty common nowadays and according to Dr. Simonchini, they are the main culprit for cervical cancer and vaginal tumors. In order to treat these problems, you need to wash your vagina with a mixture made of 2 l. of filtered water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. This will defeat the fungi that are causing the problem and prevent them from coming back in the future.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Roman Cement Gets Stronger Over Time


Why Roman concrete still stands strong while modern version decays

Scientists have cracked the secret to Roman water-based structures’ strength – and findings could help today’s builders
Their structures are still standing more than 1,500 years after the last centurion snuffed it: now the Romans’ secret of durable marine concrete has finally been cracked.

The Roman recipe – a mix of volcanic ash, lime (calcium oxide), seawater and lumps of volcanic rock – held together piers, breakwaters and harbours. Moreover, in contrast to modern materials, the ancient water-based structures became stronger over time.

Scientists say this is the result of seawater reacting with the volcanic material in the cement and creating new minerals that reinforced the concrete.

“They spent a tremendous amount of work [on developing] this – they were very, very intelligent people,” said Marie Jackson, a geologist at the University of Utah and co-author of a study into Roman structures.

As the authors note, the Romans were aware of the virtues of their concrete, with Pliny the Elder waxing lyrical in his Natural History that it is “impregnable to the waves and every day stronger”.

Now, they say, they’ve worked out why. Writing in the journal American Mineralogist, Jackson and colleagues describe how they analysed concrete cores from Roman piers, breakwaters and harbours.

Previous work had revealed lime particles within the cores that surprisingly contained the mineral aluminous tobermorite – a rare substance that is hard to make.

The mineral, said Jackson, formed early in the history of the concrete, as the lime, seawater and volcanic ash of the mortar reacted together in a way that generated heat.

She said this revealed another process that was also at play. Over time, seawater that seeped through the concrete dissolved the volcanic crystals and glasses, with aluminous tobermorite and phillipsite crystallising in their place.
These minerals, say the authors, helped to reinforce the concrete, preventing cracks from growing, with structures becoming stronger over time as the minerals grew.

By contrast, modern concrete, based on Portland cement, is not supposed to change after it hardens – meaning any reactions with the material cause damage.

Jackson said: “I think [the research] opens up a completely new perspective for how concrete can be made – that what we consider corrosion processes can actually produce extremely beneficial mineral cement and lead to continued resilience, in fact, enhanced perhaps resilience over time.”
The findings offer clues for a concrete recipe that does not rely on the high temperatures and carbon dioxide production of modern cement, but also providing a blueprint for a durable construction material for use in marine environments. Jackson has previously argued Roman concrete should be used to build the seawall for the Swansea lagoon.

“There’s many applications but further work is needed to create those mixes. We’ve started but there is a lot of fine-tuning that needs to happen,” said Jackson. “The challenge is to develop methods that use common volcanic products – and that is actually what we are doing right now.”

Monday, April 3, 2017

New theory combining quantum physics with metaphysics I have some realizations to share after watching Nassim Haramein's Conscious Life Expo presentation (Connected Universe). It got me thinking that the proton and electron are male and female. The proton is female, and the electron is male. The electron moves around in space (orbits the proton), and in doing so, defines a space (the borders of the atom). And maybe, the proton moves around in TIME, defining a start and end, marking when the atom was born and when it will return to source. . In metaphysics, and in microbiology, the female is usually larger than the male, and cannot move around (much), because it contains (houses) the nutrients, like a bank, while the male is small and goes around, zipping here and there, looking for food, and deposits it in the female. Think womb or house. The walls of the womb or house define a space, and the female manages the house. It provides nutrients to the baby / children, which are the creation. The male manages the car and provides the female with the nutrients, (by hunting / bringing home the bacon) and the female stores the nutrients until the children need them. You know when we human beings create something, first we define a space to build in and protect the thing under construction? This is how all creator beings create. A black hole has the same amount of information units (plancks or bytes) on its surface (think of it as a hard drive) as it has inside the core of the black hole (think of that as the processor). The atom has the same amount of electrons (on its surface?) as it has protons in its core (think of each proton and electron as a piece of information, like a byte). See a pattern? The size of the hard drive defines its storage space (large house / small house) and the size of the processor defines its processing power (big car engine / small car engine). They have to be compatible, or they would not be balanced. The surface of the black hole is female, absorbing information and energy from its surroundings and taking them apart, storing them for later (like a hard drive). The black hole's nucleus (processor) is consciousness, and builds the blueprint using thought (it is deciding what to create) by moving around the protons inside the nucleus. Once it's decided on what to create (blueprint is done), the information of the blueprint is saved on the surface of the black hole and is projected out into the matter world outside the black hole. The matter revolving around the black hole (stars and planets) receive the INFORMATION from inside the black hole, through wormholes. Each proton inside the black hole is connected to proton outside the black hole (with which it is "entangled"), via a worm hole. Physics says that a black hole has gravity so powerful that it has collapsed all the matter inside it into a single atom. So the black hole is actually one humongous atom. The inside of the black hole is its consciousness, consisting of protons, and the matter outside it is its physical body. Imagine then that the surface of the black hole is full of electrons revolving around the black hole at light speed. Each electron is actually (the physical representation of) a wormhole, connecting a proton inside the black hole with a proton outside the black hole, a proton that is part of atom in a star going around the black hole. The star then passes on the information to the planets, and the planet/s then passes the information to the people / creatures in it. (Actually Haramein says each proton is connected to a huge number of other protons, a number with 40 zeros.) (Also, I know that wormholes are much, much smaller than an electron, but for some reason I feel that what I said about the electron being a representation of a wormholes is true in one way or another.) Remember, the nucleus of an atom contains protons, and the black hole is a giant atom. The information comes from a proton inside the black hole, through the worm hole, to a proton outside the black hole, telling the matter outside the black hole what to create. It is this way that the blueprint inside the (mind of the) black hole turns into a physical experience. And that's exactly what we are doing on Earth - having an experience! An experience dictated by the consciousness inside the black hole, which is (a fragment of) God.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hair growth and eagle eyesight

  • 200 g of flaxseed oil
  • 4 lemons
  • 1 kg of honey
  • 3 small garlic cloves
First, peel the garlic and blend it in a blender with the lemons until you get a homogenous mixture. Then, add the flaxseed oil and the honey into the mixture and mix it again. Next, transfer the mixture into a jar and store it in the fridge. You should consume 1 tablespoon of this remedy 30 minutes before a meal. So, you need to consume 3 tablespoons of this mixture a day, before meals. Make sure you use a wooden spoon.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Quick and Easy Solar Water Purifier

This allows you to turn dirty water into clean drinking water using only the sun. This can potentially supply everyone on the planet with clean drinking water, even in the middle of a jungle or out at sea.

Always use the dirty bottle as the dirty bottle and the clean bottle as the clean bottle, otherwise you might drink in germs and get sick. Make sure to color and mark the bottles accordingly, and do not dip the tube into dirty water. Draw the tube onto the clean bottle, and color the clean bottle differently than the dirty bottle.

Make sure both bottles are transparent so you see exactly where the dirty and clean water are. If a bottle is contaminated, throw it away or clean it very, very well.

One bottle is not worth your health.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The future of fire fighting with sound

Check it out, here’s some technology that can find a lot of uses, especially in putting out fires.

There are cars in america that have these massive speakers that when you play bass on them, they make the windows in the nearby houses vibrate.

What if you took one of these cars and put it beside a burning house, could it put out the fire, without any firefighters having to go in and risking their lives?

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Jason Quitt Multidimensional Traveler

Jason Quitt has a lot of books co-authored with , some of the ones I like:

and search Amazon for Bob Mitchell and Jason Quitt

After publishing a book with Jason Quitt, Bob Mitchell died of several kinds of cancer at once. Cancer is often an exit strategy a soul can use to leave Earth. This tells me that that book was sent from the Universe and so important that somebody lived just so this book can get to us. Then again, maybe somebody didn't like the book and had him killed.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

3D printing using cement

A construction company printed an entire house in 24 hours and it only cost $10,000.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Kryon on governmental evolution

Instead of a party based president, vote for a "compromiser"

Also, build one less submarine and fund a "Department of Compassion" for refugees

Kryon Explains the Coming Ice Age

Kryon explains that there is a mini ice age coming, and that there is always a warming phase before every mini ice age, and that's what |Global Warming is!

Also, ask for legislation that allows for wood burning stoves in emergency situations, because when this mini ice age hits, it's all North America will have.

A better alternative to wood burning stoves are masonry heaters. These are massive brick stoves that are super efficient, burning wood almost completely, and store the heat in the masonry, slowly releasing it for 6 to 24 hours.  They are usually in the middle of a house, so none of the heat gets wasted. They also usually weigh tons, and need a strong foundation. Standard concrete flooring won't cut it.

Lots of wisdom in this channel

Check out this website on Rocket Stoves

Or check out youtube for rocket stove designs

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Access Consciousness Bars

Access Consciousness Bars  are 32 (accupuncture?) points on your head that "deletes" junk from inside your consciousness, allowing you a fresh start on life. =D

Book available here
Or here (Downloadable version, no shipping cost)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Black Cumin Seed Oil, MSM and French Celtic Salt

This is from a friend

"I would recommend to all of you no matter your age or health condition to get yourselves on Black Cumin Seed Oil ( also known as Nigela Setiva, it must be in dark glass and cold pressed), MSM, as well as a really good salt like French Celtic Salt. The oil will heal you with all your ailments and would gently detox your whole body, not to mention how it boosts your immune system. There are independent studies that show that this magical oil also cures many types of cancer... its a known product in the east and has been for a very very long time, but kept hidden from the west. I have been taking it for 2 years now and I will not go a day without it! I also have not been sick for the last 2 years :) Its also THE BEST anti-inflammatory out there, so you will notice a sudden weight loss if you have felt puffy and swollen... if you do the research on this magical oil, you will be so very impressed. MSM is a must in the decalcification of your pineal gland, but you must take up to 10000mg of this for a full effect. The salt is also a MUST. Salt is an ionic compound when diluted in water, which means that we become better conductors of energy, which we need more than ever right now. The grey French Celtic Salt is a great option since it has all 82 trace minerals that you need. There are so many more that I can add to the list, but I find these 3 to be of the utmost importance. <3 you all"

Wednesday, February 15, 2017



Most lightworkers know what grounding is. As creatures of the Earth, we need to be connected to the Earth's soil to be healthy. There's an electromagnetic something that we receive whenever we do so. Properly done, we get more energy to do more and be happier in our daily life, among other health benefits.

This video shows us that by connecting an electric conductive material to the ground terminal of any 3-phase power socket, we can create a surface by which we can connect to Earth even while indoors. Yes, even while we're working and sleeping. =D


Ginger Garlic Lemon cleansing tonic

Maybe this works, maybe it doesn't.


Ginger Garlic Lemon cleansing tonic

1.5 inch piece of ginger
8 garlic cloves
8 lemons
4 liters of water

peel, chop up and mix the garlic and ginger
chop up the lemon with the peel, and mix
blend (using a blender), boil, cool, strain and store
You might want to mix in some honey

take 1 small glass or less depending on your tolerance, every day, 2 hours before first meal. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Keshe Technologies

Pain Relief Pen

Plasma Patch

Plasma Eye Patches

one clockwise, one counterclockwise (or simply reversed)

How to nanocoat with a butane torch

Automated coil making machine

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Indian-American teen finds way to turn seawater potable


An Indian-American student has found a cheap method to turn salt water into drinkable freshwater. His work has caught the attention of major technology firms and universities.
Chaitanya Karamchedu from Portland, Oregon, is turning heads across the United States, all because of a science experiment that began in his high school classroom.
The Jesuit High School student told KPTV that he has big plans to change the world. “1 in 8 people do not have access to clean water, it’s a crying issue that needs to be addressed,” said Mr. Karamchedu. He made up his mind to address the matter himself.
“The best access to water is the sea. 70% of the planet is covered in water and almost all of that is the ocean, but the problem is that’s salt water,” said Mr. Karamchedu.
Isolating drinkable water from the ocean in a cost effective way is a problem that has stumped scientists for years.
“Scientists looked at desalination, but it’s all still inaccessible to [some] places and it would cost too much to implement on a large scale,” Mr. Karamchedu said.
The teenager figured it out, on his own, in a high school lab.
“The real genesis of the idea was realising that sea water is not fully saturated with salt,” he was quoted as saying. By experimenting with a highly absorbent polymer, the teen hit upon a less expensive method to remove salt from seawater and turn it into freshwater.
“It’s not bonding with water molecules, it’s bonding to the salt,” explained Mr. Karamchedu, who is called ‘Chai’ in school.
A different angle
“People have been looking at the problem from one view point, how do we break those bonds between salt and the water? Chai came in and thought about it from a completely different angle,” said Jesuit High School biology teacher Lara Shamieh.
“People were concentrated on that 10% of water that’s bonded to the salt in the sea and no one looked at the 90% that was free. Chai just looked at it and said if 10% is bonded and 90% is free, then why are we so focused on this 10%, let’s ignore it and focus on the 90,” Ms. Shamieh said.
It is a breakthrough that is estimated to impact millions of lives if ever implemented on a mass scale.
“What this is compared to current techniques is that it’s cheap and accessible to everyone, everyone can use it,” said Ms. Shamieh.
Scientists across the country are taking note. Mr. Karamchedu won a $10,000 award from the U.S. Agency for International Development at Intel’s International Science Fair and second place at MIT’s TechCon where he won more money to continue his research.
“They were very encouraging, they could see things into it that I couldn’t, because they’ve been working their whole lives on this,” said Mr. Karamchedu.
Karamchedu has also been named one of 300 semifinalists in the Regeneron Science Talent Search, one of the most prestigious competitions in the U.S. for high school seniors. — PTI

See technical specifications here:

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

10 of the most relaxing songs on Earth


Now, neuroscientists out of the UK have specified which tunes give you the most bang for your musical buck.

So don't drive while listening to these, but do take advantage of them

10. " We Can Fly," by Rue du Soleil (Café Del Mar)
9. "Canzonetta Sull'aria," by Mozart
8. "Someone Like You," by Adele
7. "Pure Shores," by All Saints
6. " Please Don't Go," by Barcelona
5. " Strawberry Swing," by Coldplay
4. "Watermark," by Enya
3. "Mellomaniac (Chill Out Mix)," by DJ Sha
2. "Electra," by Airstream
1. " Weightless," by Marconi Union