Building a house with blocks made of recycled plastics? Now the
invention has started to benefit thousands of homeless in Colombia.
Then again, plastics give off gases when heated. In Bogota, it's cool, according to the discussion in the comments section, so this is not a huge issue. Still, more study is required before doing this elsewhere...
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Autism reversed using Chelation
Autism reversed using Chelation Therapy with TD-DMSA to get the mercury out
Child who is previously able to speak develops autism after vaccination, ceases eye contact and stops talking. After chelation, he regains ability to speak and is able to form whole sentences.
This video is a must watch for any adult who knows an autistic child
Scott Shoemaker says
This is perhaps the most AMAZING thing I have ever witnessed or been a part of. I have never posted this publicly but I have shared this at conferences and support groups I have spoken at. I decided to share this for the people that do not understand autism, and for the parents of these kids and others that do not understand recovery from it.
In my opinion, this is the best proof to date showing that a child diagnosed with autism can recover and lose their diagnosis in a very short time without behavioral interventions**. I get choked up every time I watch it.
My son turned 14 last week. He has come a long way from the child in this video. He never knew he had a problem when he was younger until I recently told him. He does not remember any of it.
Since April is autism awareness month and my son now understands what happened to him when he was younger, I decided to post this video. There has been a lot of publicity lately about the movie #Vaxxed (that the government and CDC don't want you to see). It is a true story about a senior vaccine safety scientist working at the CDC who recently came forward admitting that his research group destroyed evidence connecting vaccines and autism. It is about corruption in the CDC and is not an "anti-vaccination" film that the CDC would like you to believe. Everyone should see it.
I, like many other parents that have (had) a child with a diagnosis, believe vaccines played at least a part in my son's problems, and I am all about raising awareness on this issue. There definitely needs to be more discussion about this in light of recent events.
If the autism rate keeps climbing like it has, it is estimated that by 2032, half of all children born will be diagnosed (80% of all boys). I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would look the other way.
Children with autism can recover and lose their diagnosis (and this video is proof of that), by taking the things out of them that vaccines and our environment put in.
When nothing is certain, anything is possible.
Happy Birthday, Josh! You are an incredible young man! I love you, buddy, and I am so proud of you! You ROCK!
**Note: For the record, I am not against behavioral interventions, and I believe that most children with a diagnosis would benefit from them. Joshua recovered so rapidly, I did not feel that he needed them.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
How to Embrace Rising Sea Levels
INHABITAT INTERVIEW: Water Architect Koen Olthuis on How to Embrace Rising Sea Levels
I add this article to this blog not because I see it as having solutions that can be applied now, but because it contains much of the reasoning required to develop these solutions.
It introduces the concepts of floating infrastructure that can be towed to disaster affected areas, like power plants and schools.
Right now, building floating infrastructure is doable but expensive. There are also the problems of how such a structure would react to storms, etc.
In the future, man will be develop cost effective solutions to these problems that would in hindsight be "common sense".
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Breuss Total Cancer Treatment Recipe
I have not tested this but it might help somebody someday
Cancer Cells Die In 42 Days: Famous Austrian’s Juice Cured Over 45,000 People From Cancer!
I have not tested this but it might help somebody someday
The Breuss Total Cancer Treatment Recipe
Please note that you must use fresh and organic vegetables only.
– 55% Beetroot
– 20% Carrots
– 20% Celery root
– 3% Raw potato
– 2% Radishes
Note: The potato is optional except for liver cancer where it plays an important role.
Put all the ingredients in a juicer and mix them until you get a fine
juice. Pour into a glass and drink it slowly. In combination with the
juice formula, Breuss recommends drinking various herb teas to enhance
its cleansing effects.
Important: His book actually talks about multiple diseases and this
article is a very simplified explanation. You can get the book here.
School Teaches Kids to Read Blindfolded
This School Teaches Kids How To Open Their Third Eye & Read Blindfolded - MUST SEE!!!
From Spirit Science:
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Homeoprophylaxis - A Safe And Effective Vaccination Alternative
A Safe And Effective Vaccination Alternative
In 1799 Samuel Hahnemann, a medical doctor, chemist, and linguist, discovered that the homeopathic medicine called belladonna was effective as a preventative for scarlet fever. Cristoph Hufeland (1762-1836), described as the greatest German clinician of the late 18th century (Habrich 1991) and who founded a respected and still extant medical journal in Göttingen, reported that:
I. The proper use of belladonna has, in most cases, prevented infection, even in those instances where, by the continual intercourse with patients labouring under scarlet fever, the predisposition towards it was greatly increased.There are a lot of books and articles out there about homeoprophylaxis, we don't need vaccines.
II. Numerous observations have shown that, by the general use of belladonna, epidemics of scarlet fever have actually been arrested.
III. In those few instances where the use of belladonna was insufficient to prevent infection, the disease has been invariably slight.
IV. There are exceptions to the above three points, but their number is extremely small. (The Lancet 1829)
Levitation using Sound Waves is Here
Levitation using sound is here, but not in a form we can use to create flying cars...
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Earthbag Homes: Cheap and Easy to Build
Earthbag Homes: The Ultimate Bullet-Proof Retreat… Cheap and Easy to Build!
Environmentalist’s best kept secret and the concrete industry’s worst nightmare…
… the earthbag method means that you can build a small retreat to withstand bullets, floods, hurricanes, storms and fires much better than a conventional house.
And all at a fraction of the cost!
Earthbag construction is a hot topic in underground circles but has yet to hit the mainstream.
First used by the military to make bunkers and temporary army buildings, the earthbag building system became a family necessity in some war zones. There are also a few video guides on how to turn your home into an impregnable fortress.
And I’m pretty sure that this method will become pretty popular among survivalists and cautious people in general. And here is why:
Earthbag buildings are tough and have some serious credentials to prove it:In Nepal’s recent earthquakes, the entire village of Sangachok was flattened, with the exception of one building. This school building is now being used as a shelter for the majority of the community who’ve lost their homes to the quake. And guess what this building is made of? That’s right, earthbags.
The polypropylene bags filled with soil, laid like bricks and tamped down into place proved too tough for the 7.8 earthquake to defeat.
With its plaster, attached to the bags by chicken wire mesh, it looks just like a regular concrete building. It’s just much tougher.
Emergency shelters are now being put up in Nepal using this method, based on the success in rebuilding in Haiti after their earthquake in 2010.
It was the military that first used earth and sandbag construction and have been doing so for at least a century. Used to make bunkers and temporary army buildings, the ability of earthbags to take bullets in and not let them out makes them indispensible for those inwar zones or preparing for dangerous situations.
We don’t have to look too far to get proof of earthbag’s waterproof properties. Bags filled with earth or sand are used for flood control worldwide with great success. Though the burlap bags commonly used degrade when exposed to water for a long time, polypropylene is totally water resistant, so is the ideal choice for waterproofing.
In earthbag construction, the walls are constructed on top of simple rubble trenches with french drains to keep rainwater water away from the bags. The first few courses of bags are filled with gravel for best results.
…literally!You’ll still need to buy windows, doors, fixtures, fittings and roof materials, but the cost for the bulk of the construction is dramatically slashed.
Polypropylene bags go as cheap at 10 cents each or even less when you buy in bulk and search around for a good deal. Fill them with soil from your own land and there’s only barbed wire to buy to complete your wall. This is laid between the courses in two strips to create friction between them.
The only cement you’ll need is enough to pour a concrete bond beam. A few rods of rebar rammed vertically through the bags and cemented into the bond beam are recommended for strength.
Finishing plasters for the outside and the inside will vary depending on which options best suit your needs. Concrete, lime, clay or earth based plasters will attract different price tags. Don’t be tempted to skip the plastering step – polypropylene bags degrade under prolonged UV exposure. Chicken wire or fishing net draped over the bags before the plaster is applied creates superior strength in the wall.
Tamped earth or soil-cement floors, sealed and varnished, offer a great low-cost alternative to concrete slab and help with temperature control and insulation.
You’ll also save a bundle on transport costs, as most of the material (soil) is already on site.
Coke and Pepsi cheap alternatives to pesticide
Pepsi and Coca-Cola Used As Pesticide In India Because They're Cheap and Get The Job Done
Coke and Pepsi are used as pesticides by farmers in India.
Purslane the weed is good for your health
This Familiar “Weed” is Actually a Powerful Health Food
Source: people pull this plant from their gardens thinking it is a nuisance weed. But it actually has many health benefits and is popular in several cuisines around the world.
Purslane (portulaca oleracea) has fleshy succulent leaves and stems with yellow flowers and is very resilient growing in many conditions from fertile garden soil to the poorest arid areas and can take over a rocky driveway, hence its reputation as being simple a weed. Its hardiness is demonstrated by the fact that the seeds can stay viable, buried in soil for up to 40 years.
It has its origins in Persia and India but is now common throughout the world and it is now believed that it can provide us with various health benefits.
Studies have shown that it has a higher level of beneficial antioxidants than spinach (i) and greater concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids than some fish oils whilst having the additional advantage of being suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
Antioxidants are hugely beneficial to our health helping to reduce heart disease, atherosclerosis , cancer, memory loss, and age-related vision loss as well as boosting our immune systems (ii).
Omega-3 fatty acids powerfully anti-inflammatory and recognized as playing a role in the reduced risk of rheumatoid arthritis, Alzeimer’s disease and dementia, asthma, heart disease and depression (ii).
It is an extremely rich source of vitamin A, which again can protect against certain types of cancer and improve eye health. A serving of 100g of Purslane can provide as much as 44% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A.
Purslane also contains vitamins C, and B-complex including riboflavin, pyridoxine, and niacin, carotenoids, and several trace minerals including iron, magnesium, and calcium.
Purslane starts to lose its nutritional qualities immediately after harvesting. If you don’t have a big garden or if you fear that planting purslane will take over your entire vegetable garden, try growing it indoors as a microgreen. All you need is an empty container, some potting soil, organic purslane seeds and a sunny window sill. Simply sow the seeds, keep the soil moist (but avoid over-watering), and watch your micro-purslane grow!
In the Middle East it is common to find this plant being sold in bundles in the local markets and used in many dishes. It is considered to be a ‘cooling’ food in hot climates.
It is also widely used in some Mediterranean dishes. You can sauté it with onions, garlic and tomatoes or make a salad with olive oil and fresh squeezed lemon juice. It makes a great health boosting ingredient to add to soups or smoothies. Suddenly it doesn’t sound like a weed anymore!
Please note that pregnant women are commonly advised to avoid eating purslane.
If you think this article was helpful and educational please help others find this information by using one of the sharing buttons below. We appreciate all of your support and hope to see you again soon.
Credit: Natural Cures Not Medicine
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Listen to your enemy
This Ex-CIA operative discovered that if everybody believes they are doing the right thing, and that includes the terrorists. Like they say, One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.
She also discovered that if you wish to stop terrorism, all you need to do is LISTEN to your enemy.
Coz you're probably just fighting on the same side (the side of Right) and don't know it.
She also discovered that if you wish to stop terrorism, all you need to do is LISTEN to your enemy.
Coz you're probably just fighting on the same side (the side of Right) and don't know it.
You Have the Power
Some videos show us that we can do anything. This video shows us that we have to do something.
Money is not power. It is only a tool to which we have given away our power. People hold the true power, until they give it away. Those who wish to control us do it by dividing us, by telling us that we need money to eat, to survive, when all we need to survive, is to work together, especially with the foundation of our society, the farmers.
Those who wish to control us then control money, by setting our salaries, giving us just enough to live, but not enough to challenge them.
Some of us have risen to become entrepreneurs, and we find out that everybody's a slave, even those who enslave others. Not intentionally, but just for the sake of trying to survive.
Some videos show us that we can do anything. This video shows us that we have to do something. And that something is to LOVE, and work together, and be ONE.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
DIY Air Conditioner from plastic bottles
An amazing new and simple DIY air conditioner has swept across many villages in Bangladesh. Because of the threat of flooding, a staggering 70% of the population lives in tin huts.

Most of these aren’t hooked up to electricity or water, so in the summer you can imagine how unbelievably hot they can get.
It gets so bad, a project called eco-cooler has formed because of the impact. Their mission is to spread the knowledge of how to make these cheap and electricity free methods to cool down the houses throughout Bangladesh.
Originally starting from the advertising agency Grey Dhaka and Grameen Intel Social Business Ltd, their collaboration has created something beautiful. All you need are a few plastic bottles and a board to make this simple cooler.
It works by cutting the bottles in half and mounting them on a grid through bottleneck size holes. You then place the board over window with the bottleneck facing inwards, and that is it! It’s really that simple.
That is all you need to actually cool a house, how crazy is that? As the wind blows through the bottles, it creates cool air which gets funneled through the openings and into the house. Eco-cooler says this technique can actually decrease the temperature in the house but up to 5°C, depending on the weather conditions as well.

You might think that the air blowing through the bottles would still be hot, but try blowing on your hand. The air feels cooler than the air around it, right? It is the same concept. The air get cooled when focused through the bottleneck.
The other amazing aspect of this creation is that recycles plastic bottles. The project has been put online for free with instructions on how to make it yourself.
This amazing initiative has already reached nearly 25,000 households and villages across Nilphamari, Daulatdia, Paturia, Modonhati, and Khaleya.
After you know how to make it, it’s super simple to make a bunch and help thousand who are suffering in the intense summer sun. It is incredibly cheap, and if you can get the materials already recycled then it is virtually free to create!
This DIY Air Conditioner Has Already Cooled Down 25,000 Houses in Bangladesh
An amazing new and simple DIY air conditioner has swept across many villages in Bangladesh. Because of the threat of flooding, a staggering 70% of the population lives in tin huts.
Most of these aren’t hooked up to electricity or water, so in the summer you can imagine how unbelievably hot they can get.
It gets so bad, a project called eco-cooler has formed because of the impact. Their mission is to spread the knowledge of how to make these cheap and electricity free methods to cool down the houses throughout Bangladesh.
Originally starting from the advertising agency Grey Dhaka and Grameen Intel Social Business Ltd, their collaboration has created something beautiful. All you need are a few plastic bottles and a board to make this simple cooler.
It works by cutting the bottles in half and mounting them on a grid through bottleneck size holes. You then place the board over window with the bottleneck facing inwards, and that is it! It’s really that simple.
That is all you need to actually cool a house, how crazy is that? As the wind blows through the bottles, it creates cool air which gets funneled through the openings and into the house. Eco-cooler says this technique can actually decrease the temperature in the house but up to 5°C, depending on the weather conditions as well.
You might think that the air blowing through the bottles would still be hot, but try blowing on your hand. The air feels cooler than the air around it, right? It is the same concept. The air get cooled when focused through the bottleneck.
The other amazing aspect of this creation is that recycles plastic bottles. The project has been put online for free with instructions on how to make it yourself.
This amazing initiative has already reached nearly 25,000 households and villages across Nilphamari, Daulatdia, Paturia, Modonhati, and Khaleya.
After you know how to make it, it’s super simple to make a bunch and help thousand who are suffering in the intense summer sun. It is incredibly cheap, and if you can get the materials already recycled then it is virtually free to create!
Friday, June 10, 2016
Liter of Light
Benefits of a Liter of Light
Liter of Light at night
How to build a Liter of Light
How to build a Liter of Light Night Light
Benefits of a Liter of Light
Liter of Light at night
How to build a Liter of Light
How to build a Liter of Light Night Light
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Autism Equals Parasites
Everyone caring for an autistic child must see the video below.
Some vaccines kill, especially those that are untested. Robin Goffee was not told beforehand that her son was going to be given a vaccine that is untested. Her son is now alive but autistic. Many of the other children who were given the same batch of vaccines died on the same day they received the vaccine. They were reported to have died of "sudden infant death syndrome". The vaccine continued to be used even as the doctors knew children were dying because of it.
Robin Goffee to explain how she discovered that her son's autism was largely caused by parasites (worms) and their effect on her son's blood. She says that the vaccines (sudden multiple viruses shocking the body and causing prolonged mucus production in the intestinal tract) turn the intestines into an ideal breeding ground for worms.
According to On The Wasting Diseases of Infants and Children (a medical book by Eustace Smith) "The favorable opportunity (for parasites) manifests itself through mucous disease developing from an overburdened viral overload to the digestive system. One of the critical times is in babies under 6 months old. An overload of viruses at this time can lead to mucous disease, and subsequently, parasite infestation."
At 18 minutes 30 seconds into the video: "Among 138 persons who were insane patients at an asylum, when autopsies were performed post mortem, round worms of several species were always found."
"When my family realized and accepted the possibility that our son's autism may be caused by parasite infection, it was not long before we could see that we had our answer."
"It is understood that worms produce material that are toxic to their host. These toxins can change the chemistry of the blood."
"We began a protocol to remove the parasites, and soon found evidence of parasites and worms in his stool. We then saw a change in our son, including his countenance."
"The most universal symptom of parasite infection is the mere presence of eosinophils. (Our son's lab tests show that) indeed there is presence of eosinophils..."
"The laboratory guide said that the tests would include 22 variations of parasites, but in the end, they really only tested for 2 (the lab trying to save money by not running all the tests?). (The test results were negative for parasites.)"
"Despite the negative results and the false sense of security, we started an anti-parasitic protocol. (We found) more than 400 feet of worms that we got out of our son less than 6 months after these negative results."
"Autism equals parasites."
"These worms only started dying when we applied herbs that kill worms and parasites."
"Autism is a chronic state of toxic parasite infestation. The parasites are spewing ammonia and amphetamine chemicals. Our children are living in a drugged like state from parasites their entire lives, and it is labeled Autism."
"So fare I have gotten over 1000 feet of parasites out of him in 2 years."
She continues to say that when worms die, bacteria move in decompose the worm, and toxins flood into the patient's blood stream, causing suffering so massive that they hurt themselves physically just to take their attention from the pain inside them. Therefore, killing all the worms all at once will cause massive suffering and injury and possibly death to the child.
She then describes the techniques she uses to kill the parasites at a manageable rate, speaking of the herbs and other things she uses and the way she uses them.
for more information, check out
Everyone caring for an autistic child must see the video below.
Some vaccines kill, especially those that are untested. Robin Goffee was not told beforehand that her son was going to be given a vaccine that is untested. Her son is now alive but autistic. Many of the other children who were given the same batch of vaccines died on the same day they received the vaccine. They were reported to have died of "sudden infant death syndrome". The vaccine continued to be used even as the doctors knew children were dying because of it.
Robin Goffee to explain how she discovered that her son's autism was largely caused by parasites (worms) and their effect on her son's blood. She says that the vaccines (sudden multiple viruses shocking the body and causing prolonged mucus production in the intestinal tract) turn the intestines into an ideal breeding ground for worms.
According to On The Wasting Diseases of Infants and Children (a medical book by Eustace Smith) "The favorable opportunity (for parasites) manifests itself through mucous disease developing from an overburdened viral overload to the digestive system. One of the critical times is in babies under 6 months old. An overload of viruses at this time can lead to mucous disease, and subsequently, parasite infestation."
At 18 minutes 30 seconds into the video: "Among 138 persons who were insane patients at an asylum, when autopsies were performed post mortem, round worms of several species were always found."
"When my family realized and accepted the possibility that our son's autism may be caused by parasite infection, it was not long before we could see that we had our answer."
"It is understood that worms produce material that are toxic to their host. These toxins can change the chemistry of the blood."
"We began a protocol to remove the parasites, and soon found evidence of parasites and worms in his stool. We then saw a change in our son, including his countenance."
"The most universal symptom of parasite infection is the mere presence of eosinophils. (Our son's lab tests show that) indeed there is presence of eosinophils..."
"The laboratory guide said that the tests would include 22 variations of parasites, but in the end, they really only tested for 2 (the lab trying to save money by not running all the tests?). (The test results were negative for parasites.)"
"Despite the negative results and the false sense of security, we started an anti-parasitic protocol. (We found) more than 400 feet of worms that we got out of our son less than 6 months after these negative results."
"Autism equals parasites."
"These worms only started dying when we applied herbs that kill worms and parasites."
"Autism is a chronic state of toxic parasite infestation. The parasites are spewing ammonia and amphetamine chemicals. Our children are living in a drugged like state from parasites their entire lives, and it is labeled Autism."
"So fare I have gotten over 1000 feet of parasites out of him in 2 years."
She continues to say that when worms die, bacteria move in decompose the worm, and toxins flood into the patient's blood stream, causing suffering so massive that they hurt themselves physically just to take their attention from the pain inside them. Therefore, killing all the worms all at once will cause massive suffering and injury and possibly death to the child.
She then describes the techniques she uses to kill the parasites at a manageable rate, speaking of the herbs and other things she uses and the way she uses them.
for more information, check out
Spices and their Benefits
This page will slowly grow as I find more =D
Cumin - weight loss
Tumeric - immune system booster
Cinnamon - blood sugar controller
Cumin - weight loss
Tumeric - immune system booster
Cinnamon - blood sugar controller
Monday, June 6, 2016
Some wisdom from the new age movement
Here are some channeled but very common sensical words from off world
Some insights:
Listening to classical music improve test scores the next day, improve healing, physical performance and emotional well being in both humans and pets.
Words have an effect on consciousness. CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY.
Some insights:
Listening to classical music improve test scores the next day, improve healing, physical performance and emotional well being in both humans and pets.
Words have an effect on consciousness. CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY.
Barbara Marciniak Pleiadians March 19/20, 2016 Sedona Part 1 of 4
Barbara Marciniak Pleiadians March 19/20, 2016 Sedona Part 2 of 4
Barbara Marciniak Pleiadians March 19/20, 2016 Sedona Part 3 of 4
Barbara Marciniak Pleiadians March 19/20, 2016 Sedona Part 4 of 4
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