Monday, August 22, 2016

Russian Cancer Remedy

Orginal Article source and Credits :

4 Tbsp. a Day and Cancer is Gone: Russian Scientist Reveals the Most Powerful Homemade Remedy

Hristo Mermerski is a well known Russian Scientist who came to limelight for his groundbreaking homemade cure for cancer.

There are thousands of people who support his claim for curing cancer with this simple remedy.

Dr. Mermerski explains that his cancer-treating recipe is a food that treats our entire body. It is because of this overall healing effect that cancer also gets cured.

It is almost like a magical homemade remedy that offers many other health benefits including the following:

    It cleanses our blood vessels
    It strengthens our immune system
    It heals our heart. It also protects against heart attack.
    It cleanses our kidneys and liver
    It improves our memory
    It is the best natural cure for all types of cancers

How to Prepare Mermerski’s Recipe

You will need the following ingredients to prepare Mermerski’s recipe:

    Lemon – 15
    Garlic – 12
    Honey (natural) – 35 oz.
    Walnuts – 14 oz.
    Sprouted grains – 14 oz.

How to Prepare Sprouted Grains

    Add green wheat in a large bowl of glass
    Add water to ensure the wheat is covered and leave through the night
    Drain off the water in the morning and rinse the grains
    Remove the drained wheat into a bowl
    After 24 hour the wheat will sprout

Preparing the Remedy

    Clean the garlic cloves
    Mix the sprouted grains, walnuts and garlic cloves and grind them
    Take 5 lemons and grind them (including crust) and mix with the already ground mixture
    Squeeze juice from the remaining 10 lemons and add to the mixture
    Mix well for consistency
    Add honey to the mixture and mix using a wooden spoon.
    Remove the mixture in glass jars and keep in the refrigerator for three days

After 3 days your famous Mermerski cancer remedy is ready. Start taking 1 to 2 tablespoon of it, half an hour before your breakfast and dinner. Also take a spoon before going to sleep.

If you are suffering from cancer, Dr. Mermerski recommends 1 to 2 tablespoon every couple hours.

According to the Russian professor, because his homemade remedy replenishes nutrition for all body functions and improves overall health, it helps you lead a long and healthier life. It cures cancer and allows you to lead a vibrant and youthful life.

He claims that he has studied the ingredients and nutrients in this remedy. It is loaded with all types of essential vitamins and minerals. It has all the proteins, fats, carbs and bioactive substances. Thanks to all these nutrients, our organs and glands receive everything they need to work effectively and keep our body healthy.

In his strongest words, Dr. Mermerski confirms the findings by many other scientists when he says – Cancer cannot survive in a fully healthy and well-nourished body!

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