Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Black Cumin Seed Oil, MSM and French Celtic Salt

This is from a friend

"I would recommend to all of you no matter your age or health condition to get yourselves on Black Cumin Seed Oil ( also known as Nigela Setiva, it must be in dark glass and cold pressed), MSM, as well as a really good salt like French Celtic Salt. The oil will heal you with all your ailments and would gently detox your whole body, not to mention how it boosts your immune system. There are independent studies that show that this magical oil also cures many types of cancer... its a known product in the east and has been for a very very long time, but kept hidden from the west. I have been taking it for 2 years now and I will not go a day without it! I also have not been sick for the last 2 years :) Its also THE BEST anti-inflammatory out there, so you will notice a sudden weight loss if you have felt puffy and swollen... if you do the research on this magical oil, you will be so very impressed. MSM is a must in the decalcification of your pineal gland, but you must take up to 10000mg of this for a full effect. The salt is also a MUST. Salt is an ionic compound when diluted in water, which means that we become better conductors of energy, which we need more than ever right now. The grey French Celtic Salt is a great option since it has all 82 trace minerals that you need. There are so many more that I can add to the list, but I find these 3 to be of the utmost importance. <3 you all"


  1. black seed oil does help with weight loss by reducing cholesterol levels. For organic black seed products, visit Nature’s Blends.

  2. is it ok to take Black seed oil and MSM together
