Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Amish Black Salve


Mix These 3 Ingredients And Never Fear Cancer


Cancer is a fatal disease which destroys thousands of lives every year. Chemotherapy is the most common form of treatment, which kills the cancer cells, but also ruins the healthy parts of the body. Thankfully, there are natural treatments which can help defeat cancer. The three following ingredients can be combined to treat and prevent the growth of cancerous tumors.

Cancer is the deadliest disease of our time. It is not something you’d want to go through or see someone close going through. No one should deal with that kind of physical or emotional pain. Chemotherapy treatment is the only effective way of eradicating tumors, but it’s actually very dangerous, shattering your immune system as it kills the disease. But, what if there was a natural treatment with no awful side effects? 


This amazing recipe consists of turmeric, olive oil and ground black pepper. When combined, these three ingredients are very efficient in treating and preventing cancer. Turmeric is the base component of curry and has potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Long-Lost Nikola Tesla Drawings Reveal Map To Multiplication


A recently discovered set of original Nikola Tesla drawings reveal a map to multiplication that contains all numbers in a simple to use system. The drawings were discovered at an antique shop in central Phoenix Arizona by local artist, Abe Zucca. They are believed to have been created during the last years of Tesla’s Free Energy lab,Wardenclyffe. The manuscript is thought to contain many solutions to unanswered questions about mathematics.

Long-Lost Nikola Tesla Drawings Reveal Map To Multiplication
The Sketches were hidden in a small trunk with numerous other drawings and manuscripts ranging from hand-held technological devices to free-energy systems, many with notes scrawled all over them. Some of the pieces are already familiar to the public, but a few others are not. Most notably is the Map to Multiplication or the Math Spiral. Zucca made a few copies and showed the drawings around to different thinkers, dreamers, and mathematicians.
A few days later a Local High School Mathematics Instructor, Joey Grether, had been working on deciphering the system and had a few breakthroughs. Grether suggests that the Spiral not only explores Multiplication as an interwoven web, but that it, “offers a comprehensive visual understanding of how all numbers are self-organized into 12 positions of composability.”
“This device allows us to see numbers as patterns, the formation of prime numbers, twin primes, Highly composite numbers, multiplication and division, as well as few other systems, I imagine, that are yet to be discovered.”

The diagram itself is very intuitive, allowing students to see how numbers all work together based on a spiral with 12 positions. 12, or 12x (multiples of 12) is the most highly composite system, which is why we have 12 months in a year, 12 inches in a foot, 24 hours in a day, etc. 12 can be divided by 2, 3, 4, and 6. So can all multiples of 12. For every 12 numbers there is a chance of 4 numbers being prime. They happen to fall in positions (think clock positions) 5, 7, 11, and 1.
Tesla is known for the quote “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” It turns out that when the device is examined, the digital roots of the numbers in positions 3, 6, 9, and 12 constantly repeat the same sequence 3, 6, 9! Is this what Tesla was referring too? The self-organization of numbers and their digital roots?
Its hard to say, but Grether seems to think so. “This breakthrough is phenomenal. If we could get students all over the globe to use this technique, to play with it, and help figure out how to use it, we could overcome our cultural aversion to Mathematics. Instead of memorizing the multiplication table, we could learn the positions of numbers and have a better understanding of how they work.”
Juan Zapata, One of Mr. G’s students believes so as well… “I used to say I’m bad at Math… cause that’s what everyone says, but now, I’m like, dude, this is too easy.”
Theres one other fact about the Tesla Spiral that make it interesting. The diagram is dated 12/12/12! 1912. Grether and his students want to turn December 12 into a national holiday. So grab a 12 pack, get a dozen donuts, and celebrate the power of 12x.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Coconut oil uses

From http://www.readgang.com/2016/05/they-said-coconut-oil-was-great-for-you.html

Coconut oil is good for these:
  • Age spots or liver spots – apply coconut oil directly on the affected area and they will fade away;
  • After shave – it will help in healing the skin without clogging the pores;
  • Baldness – combine it with rosemary, thyme, lavender, cedarwood, Jojoba oil, castor oil, and a little cayenne pepper, applying it 3 times daily, or before going to sleep and massage in;
  • Burns – apply it on the affected area and continue with applying it until it heals;
  • Bug bites – it will stop itching and burning sensation, and hasten healing process; apply directly on the affected area;
  • Bruises – when applied on the affected spot it will enhance healing;
  • Body scrub – mix it with salt and rub the skin; then rinse off; add essential oils for a specific smell;
  • Dandruff – it helps soak into the scalp and moisturize the dry skin, relieving dandruff symptoms;
  • Cradle cap – it will nourish your baby’s skin and will eliminate the cradle cap; rub a tsp of it onto the scalp daily;
  • Chapstick – rub a bit of it on into the lips; it will also provide protection due to 4 SPF;
  • Face wash/soap – when washing your face use this mixture instead of soap (mix equal parts of coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil, and castor oil), rub it on a wet face, let it stay for 2 minutes, rinse it off, and finally pat dry;
  • Eye cream – to reduce puffiness, bags, and wrinkles under the eyes, apply coconut oil; use it on the lids overnight;
  • Diaper salve – it is very comforting in a rashy bum;
  • Deodorant – it is even more effective with arrowroot/cornstarch powder and baking soda;
  • Hair gel/defrizzer – for curly hair rub a little of coconut oil between your palms or scrunch into hair, for wavy and straight hair comb in through with your fingers from the scalp towards the ends;
  • Hair conditioner/deep treatment – apply 1 tsp of coconut oil to the ends and run your fingers through your hair to distribute the rest; for deeper treatment, rub in 1 tbsp on the dry scalp and go towards the ends, put a shower cap and let it stay overnight;
  • Healing – it forms a thin layer that protects the wound from outside dust, bacteria, and virus;
  • Lubricant – it is natural and perfectly safe, not compatible with latex;
  • Moisturizer – apply all over the body and the neck;
  • Massage oil;
  • Makeup remover – apply it with a cotton swab to remove any excess makeup;
  • Pre-shave – it will prepare the skin for the pending damage caused by shaving;
  • Acne fix – use a pea-sized amount underneath your makeup to reduce oil gland stimulation;
  • Nipple cream – it nourishes cracked, sore, and dry nipples; apply it with cotton ball and let it stay between feedings;
  • Skin conditions – it relieves skin issues like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis;
  • Sunscreen – even though not high, it has 4 SPF;
  • Sun burn relief – tub it into the affected area;
  • Stretch marks – it nourishes damaged skin;
  • Toothpaste – mix coconut oil and baking soda to brush your teeth;
  • Tattoo healing and moisturizer – it keeps the pigment from fading, and hastens the healing process and decreases the chance of infection;
  • Swimmers ear – make a mixture of garlic and coconut oil and put a few drops in the ear for 10 min, repeating the procedure 2-3 times daily;
  • Wrinkle prevention and wrinkle reducer – the oil helps in strengthening the connective tissues to bring back the youthful look;
  • Bones and teeth – it aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium which leads to better development of teeth and bones;
  • Breastfeeding – consume 3 ½ tbsp. of the oil daily to enrich milk supply;
  • Insulin support – it improves utilization of blood glucose and insulin secretion which makes it amazing for non-diabetics and diabetics, too;
  • Fitness – it stimulates metabolism, improves the function of the thyroid, escalates energy levels, decreases unwanted fat, and increases muscle;
  • Digestion – the saturated fats aid in controlling parasites and fungi which cause indigestion and other issues related to digestion like irritable bowel syndrome; the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are aided by the coconut fat;
  • Nose bleeding – the oil is able to prevent nose bleeding which is caused by weather sensitivity; put the oil in your nostrils to strengthen and protect the capillaries;
  • Nausea – rub the oil inside the wrist and the forearm to calm the upset stomach;
  • Lung function – it increases the fluidity of cell surfaces;
  • Weight loss – the saturated fat contribute to weight loss and controlling carvings;
  • Vitamin and nutrient – it makes the fat-based nutrients more available to the body like A,D, E, and K;
  • Stress relief – apply coconut oil to the head in a circular, massaging motion to relieve mental fatigue; the natural aroma helps in lowering the stress levels;
  • Gum health – oil pulling along with coconut oil gives 1 two for one health benefit;
  • Mental cognition and productivity – due to the medium chain triglycerides pass freely through the blood-brain barrier, allowing an alternate energy source for improving cognition;
  • Bowel function – constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, gut infections (take it internally);
  • Autism;
  • Asthma – good for children as well;
  • Alzheimer’s/Dementia;
  • Allergies – seasonal hay fever;
  • Adrenal and chronic fatigue;
  • Acid reflux/indigestion – take it after the meal;
  • Poor circulation – apply it on the skin in light circular pattern toward the heart;
  • Cholesterol – improves HDL to LDL ratio in people among people with high cholesterol;
  • Candida albicans;
  • Cancer – it prevents colon and breast cancer;
  • Bronchial infections and cystic fibrosis;
  • Flaky, dry skin;
  • Epilepsy – it reduces the seizures;
  • Diabetes – keeps stable blood sugar levels and helps with cravings;
  • Mild depression and cognitive disease – it is good in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy, fish oil, and other treatment strategies;
  • Colds and flues – acts like and anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agent;
  • Heart disease – protects the arteries from injusry which causes atherosclerosis;
  • pylori – oral intake, and antibiotic treatment occasionally;
  • Gas – the oil will help re-establish healthy gut flora;
  • Gallbladder disease – the oil helps in increasing the bile flow and helps in gallbladder issues;
  • Kidney disease and stones – dissolves small stones;
  • Jaundice;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome – alternates diarrhea and constipation;
  • Immune system builder;
  • Hot flashes;
  • Hemorrhoids – apply externally or internally 2 times a day;
  • Migraines;
  • Menstrual relief;
  • Mental clarity;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Lung disease;
  • Liver disease;
  • Thrush;
  • Stomach ulcers;
  • Prostate enlargement;
  • Periodontal disease and tooth decay;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Urinary tract and bladder infections;
  • Thyroid function;
  • Acne;
  • Boils and cysts;
  • Back pain and sore muscles;
  • Toenail fungus;
  • Athletes foot;
  • Allergies/hay fever – rub it inside the nostrils for a quick relief;
  • Head lice – apply topically;
  • Genital warts – they go away in 2 years on their own, but additional application of the oil over 6 months will be very helpful;
  • Decongestant – rub it on your chest and under the nose when congested from cold or allergies;
  • Circumcision healing;
  • Pink eye – apply around and in the eye;
  • Hives – it will reduce itching and swelling;
  • Herpes – apply it topically and take internally;
  • Gum disease, gingivitis, and canker sores – use it as a toothpaste;
  • Insect repellent – to keep insects off mix coconut oil and peppermint oil extract and rub all over the exposed skin;
  • Chewing gum in hair remover – rub some oil and let it stay on the hair for half an hour, then roll the gum between your fingertip;
  • Goo gone – take coconut oil and baking soda in equal amounts and make a paste, applying it on the sticky area, and let it stay for a minute; scrub it off with an old toothbrush;
  • Polish furniture;
  • Polishing bronze;
  • Oiling wood cutting boards and wood bowls;
  • Moisturizing and cleaning leather products;
  • Soap making;
  • Seasoning cookware;
  • Seasoning animal hide drums.
It is also helpful within animals for:
  • Promotes healing on cuts, wounds, hot spots, dry skin, and hair;
  • Aids elimination of hairballs and coughing;
  • Aids in arthritis or ligament issues;
  • Aids healing of digestive disorder;
  • Helps sedentary dogs feel energetic;
  • Helps prevent or control diabetes;
  • Great for general wellness;
  • Disinfects cuts;
  • Clears up skin conditions;
  • Prevents and treats yeast and fungal infections;
  • Makes coats;
  • Improves digestion and nutrient absorption;
  • Helps reduce weight;
  • Regulates and balances insulin, and promotes normal thyroid function;
  • Reduces or eliminates bad breath in dogs;
  • Reduces allergic reactions and improves skin health.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Solar Powered Water Distiller

Solar Powered Water Distiller Turns Salt Water into Fresh Drinking Water with Only Sunlight Required 
from http://thefreethoughtproject.com/solar-powered-water-distiller-turns-salt-water-fresh-water-sunlight-saltwater-required/


A revolutionary ceramic solar-powered still has the ability to combat one of the greatest threats to human life in the developing world, water insecurity. The solar still turns salt water into fresh water and can be built for under $50 U.S. dollars.

Water insecurity is one of the biggest issues facing the developing world today, but innovative designer Gabriele Diamanti has created a simple, yet effective, solution.

The Eliodomestico is basically a personal desalination still, which operates similar to an “upside down coffee percolator.” The device is an open-source design, noted for its remarkable simplicity to build and use, as specifically intended by Diamanti when creating the solar still.

The device consists of two ceramic pieces that sit on top of one another. Within the top piece is a black container into which the salt water is deposited.
image: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/eliodomestico-2.png

The sun heats the container of water, turning the water into steam. The pressure then builds until the steam is forced into a tube and is deposited into a container, where the water then cools, condenses and collects in the basin.
image: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/eliodomestico-3.png

The Eliodomestico is designed to be carried upon the head when traveling, as is common place in developing countries where water is not a centralized commodity. People often are forced to walk great distances to collect this vital resource.

The solar still has the ability to collect about five liters of water a day and costs less than $50 to build. This simple, yet effective, lifesaving device has the potential to permanently change the lives of millions of people across the globe.

Jay Syrmopoulos is an investigative journalist, free thinker, researcher, and ardent opponent of authoritarianism. He is currently a graduate student at University of Denver pursuing a masters in Global Affairs. Jay’s work has been published on BenSwann’s Truth in Media, Chris Hedges’ truth-out, AlterNet and many other sites. You can follow him on Twitter @sirmetropolis, on Facebook at Sir Metropolis and now on tsu.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/solar-powered-water-distiller-turns-salt-water-fresh-water-sunlight-saltwater-required/#hc5BszhSIRCc1mop.99

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

DIY Tumeric Toothpaste

1Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
some tumeric powder
some peppermint oil
mix em all up
brush your teeth with it


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Billions in Change



Manoj Bhargava, founder of 5 Hour Energy, is putting the billions of dollars he made and using it to save the world.

Desalination at millions of liters per day

BREAKING: Scientists FINALLY Made Sea Water Drinkable, Producing 6.3 Million Liters A Day!

from http://simplecapacity.com/2016/05/scientists-made-sea-water-drinkable-producing-6-3-million-liters-a-day/

"MUMBAI: As 13 states struggle with drought, scientists in a corner of India have devised a way to make potable water – 6.3 million litre of it every day – from sea water.  They have also developed certain filtration methods that ensure groundwater containing arsenic and uranium are safe to drink."

"The pilot plant at Tamil Nadu’s Kalpakkam, built by scientists of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre use waste steam from a nuclear reactor to purify the seawater. Its capacity is 6.3 million litre every day.
Currently, the fresh water is being used at the Kudankulam nuclear reactor. But this reporter tasted the purified water – it tasted like fresh water, not saline at all."

Blogger comment: My only complaint is that the steam used to desalinate the water might be contaminated with radiation

Tesla Interviews




POE Coil

This is a Rodin coil or a POE coil. It was invented by Marco Rodin.

It amplifies voltage and defies conventional physics. 8 volts in, 98 volts out. 



Here's how you build one


Here are more instruction videos on how to build one



Here are downloadable frame templates

Abha Vortex Coil Frames:

POE Mini by Daniel Nunez: 12 frames

POE Mini by Netica: 11 frames

POE Mini 11 & 12 frames in one:

More information on Vortex Mathematics

Vortex bladeless turbines wobble to generate electricity

This wind turbine is twice as cheap as other turbines, and is maintainance free. According to the video.



Advice from the Future


Don't believe in time travel? No problem, just take the logic presented in this video.

This guy offers a lot of tips on the perfect society for the future... well, almost perfect. Because of the lack of problems, people in the future have lost their ability to solve problems.

He says the world has only around 300,000 people on it in the 2700's, and that there are floating cities courtesy of antigravity technology. People live in city-states, kind of like in Ancient Greece, and socialism is the form of government.

Baby Boxes

Mass producing baby boxes and giving them away to 3rd world community centers will help a lot of unprepared moms all over the world

Baby boxes are boxes that doubles as a crib, and contain diapers, baby clothes, etc. that newborns need. It is not recommended for babies to sleep in the same bed as their parents, where they can be unintentionally suffocated while sleeping (seems strange, Mother Nature should have found a solution to this...?). They are recommended to share the same room but not the same bed as parents.

The people who will benefit from this the most are parents of babies that are born too early, or those who are too poor to really provide the basics of child care.
