Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Desalination at millions of liters per day

BREAKING: Scientists FINALLY Made Sea Water Drinkable, Producing 6.3 Million Liters A Day!


"MUMBAI: As 13 states struggle with drought, scientists in a corner of India have devised a way to make potable water – 6.3 million litre of it every day – from sea water.  They have also developed certain filtration methods that ensure groundwater containing arsenic and uranium are safe to drink."

"The pilot plant at Tamil Nadu’s Kalpakkam, built by scientists of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre use waste steam from a nuclear reactor to purify the seawater. Its capacity is 6.3 million litre every day.
Currently, the fresh water is being used at the Kudankulam nuclear reactor. But this reporter tasted the purified water – it tasted like fresh water, not saline at all."

Blogger comment: My only complaint is that the steam used to desalinate the water might be contaminated with radiation

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