Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Coconut oil uses

From http://www.readgang.com/2016/05/they-said-coconut-oil-was-great-for-you.html

Coconut oil is good for these:
  • Age spots or liver spots – apply coconut oil directly on the affected area and they will fade away;
  • After shave – it will help in healing the skin without clogging the pores;
  • Baldness – combine it with rosemary, thyme, lavender, cedarwood, Jojoba oil, castor oil, and a little cayenne pepper, applying it 3 times daily, or before going to sleep and massage in;
  • Burns – apply it on the affected area and continue with applying it until it heals;
  • Bug bites – it will stop itching and burning sensation, and hasten healing process; apply directly on the affected area;
  • Bruises – when applied on the affected spot it will enhance healing;
  • Body scrub – mix it with salt and rub the skin; then rinse off; add essential oils for a specific smell;
  • Dandruff – it helps soak into the scalp and moisturize the dry skin, relieving dandruff symptoms;
  • Cradle cap – it will nourish your baby’s skin and will eliminate the cradle cap; rub a tsp of it onto the scalp daily;
  • Chapstick – rub a bit of it on into the lips; it will also provide protection due to 4 SPF;
  • Face wash/soap – when washing your face use this mixture instead of soap (mix equal parts of coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil, and castor oil), rub it on a wet face, let it stay for 2 minutes, rinse it off, and finally pat dry;
  • Eye cream – to reduce puffiness, bags, and wrinkles under the eyes, apply coconut oil; use it on the lids overnight;
  • Diaper salve – it is very comforting in a rashy bum;
  • Deodorant – it is even more effective with arrowroot/cornstarch powder and baking soda;
  • Hair gel/defrizzer – for curly hair rub a little of coconut oil between your palms or scrunch into hair, for wavy and straight hair comb in through with your fingers from the scalp towards the ends;
  • Hair conditioner/deep treatment – apply 1 tsp of coconut oil to the ends and run your fingers through your hair to distribute the rest; for deeper treatment, rub in 1 tbsp on the dry scalp and go towards the ends, put a shower cap and let it stay overnight;
  • Healing – it forms a thin layer that protects the wound from outside dust, bacteria, and virus;
  • Lubricant – it is natural and perfectly safe, not compatible with latex;
  • Moisturizer – apply all over the body and the neck;
  • Massage oil;
  • Makeup remover – apply it with a cotton swab to remove any excess makeup;
  • Pre-shave – it will prepare the skin for the pending damage caused by shaving;
  • Acne fix – use a pea-sized amount underneath your makeup to reduce oil gland stimulation;
  • Nipple cream – it nourishes cracked, sore, and dry nipples; apply it with cotton ball and let it stay between feedings;
  • Skin conditions – it relieves skin issues like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis;
  • Sunscreen – even though not high, it has 4 SPF;
  • Sun burn relief – tub it into the affected area;
  • Stretch marks – it nourishes damaged skin;
  • Toothpaste – mix coconut oil and baking soda to brush your teeth;
  • Tattoo healing and moisturizer – it keeps the pigment from fading, and hastens the healing process and decreases the chance of infection;
  • Swimmers ear – make a mixture of garlic and coconut oil and put a few drops in the ear for 10 min, repeating the procedure 2-3 times daily;
  • Wrinkle prevention and wrinkle reducer – the oil helps in strengthening the connective tissues to bring back the youthful look;
  • Bones and teeth – it aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium which leads to better development of teeth and bones;
  • Breastfeeding – consume 3 ½ tbsp. of the oil daily to enrich milk supply;
  • Insulin support – it improves utilization of blood glucose and insulin secretion which makes it amazing for non-diabetics and diabetics, too;
  • Fitness – it stimulates metabolism, improves the function of the thyroid, escalates energy levels, decreases unwanted fat, and increases muscle;
  • Digestion – the saturated fats aid in controlling parasites and fungi which cause indigestion and other issues related to digestion like irritable bowel syndrome; the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are aided by the coconut fat;
  • Nose bleeding – the oil is able to prevent nose bleeding which is caused by weather sensitivity; put the oil in your nostrils to strengthen and protect the capillaries;
  • Nausea – rub the oil inside the wrist and the forearm to calm the upset stomach;
  • Lung function – it increases the fluidity of cell surfaces;
  • Weight loss – the saturated fat contribute to weight loss and controlling carvings;
  • Vitamin and nutrient – it makes the fat-based nutrients more available to the body like A,D, E, and K;
  • Stress relief – apply coconut oil to the head in a circular, massaging motion to relieve mental fatigue; the natural aroma helps in lowering the stress levels;
  • Gum health – oil pulling along with coconut oil gives 1 two for one health benefit;
  • Mental cognition and productivity – due to the medium chain triglycerides pass freely through the blood-brain barrier, allowing an alternate energy source for improving cognition;
  • Bowel function – constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, gut infections (take it internally);
  • Autism;
  • Asthma – good for children as well;
  • Alzheimer’s/Dementia;
  • Allergies – seasonal hay fever;
  • Adrenal and chronic fatigue;
  • Acid reflux/indigestion – take it after the meal;
  • Poor circulation – apply it on the skin in light circular pattern toward the heart;
  • Cholesterol – improves HDL to LDL ratio in people among people with high cholesterol;
  • Candida albicans;
  • Cancer – it prevents colon and breast cancer;
  • Bronchial infections and cystic fibrosis;
  • Flaky, dry skin;
  • Epilepsy – it reduces the seizures;
  • Diabetes – keeps stable blood sugar levels and helps with cravings;
  • Mild depression and cognitive disease – it is good in combination with cognitive behavioral therapy, fish oil, and other treatment strategies;
  • Colds and flues – acts like and anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agent;
  • Heart disease – protects the arteries from injusry which causes atherosclerosis;
  • pylori – oral intake, and antibiotic treatment occasionally;
  • Gas – the oil will help re-establish healthy gut flora;
  • Gallbladder disease – the oil helps in increasing the bile flow and helps in gallbladder issues;
  • Kidney disease and stones – dissolves small stones;
  • Jaundice;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome – alternates diarrhea and constipation;
  • Immune system builder;
  • Hot flashes;
  • Hemorrhoids – apply externally or internally 2 times a day;
  • Migraines;
  • Menstrual relief;
  • Mental clarity;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Lung disease;
  • Liver disease;
  • Thrush;
  • Stomach ulcers;
  • Prostate enlargement;
  • Periodontal disease and tooth decay;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Urinary tract and bladder infections;
  • Thyroid function;
  • Acne;
  • Boils and cysts;
  • Back pain and sore muscles;
  • Toenail fungus;
  • Athletes foot;
  • Allergies/hay fever – rub it inside the nostrils for a quick relief;
  • Head lice – apply topically;
  • Genital warts – they go away in 2 years on their own, but additional application of the oil over 6 months will be very helpful;
  • Decongestant – rub it on your chest and under the nose when congested from cold or allergies;
  • Circumcision healing;
  • Pink eye – apply around and in the eye;
  • Hives – it will reduce itching and swelling;
  • Herpes – apply it topically and take internally;
  • Gum disease, gingivitis, and canker sores – use it as a toothpaste;
  • Insect repellent – to keep insects off mix coconut oil and peppermint oil extract and rub all over the exposed skin;
  • Chewing gum in hair remover – rub some oil and let it stay on the hair for half an hour, then roll the gum between your fingertip;
  • Goo gone – take coconut oil and baking soda in equal amounts and make a paste, applying it on the sticky area, and let it stay for a minute; scrub it off with an old toothbrush;
  • Polish furniture;
  • Polishing bronze;
  • Oiling wood cutting boards and wood bowls;
  • Moisturizing and cleaning leather products;
  • Soap making;
  • Seasoning cookware;
  • Seasoning animal hide drums.
It is also helpful within animals for:
  • Promotes healing on cuts, wounds, hot spots, dry skin, and hair;
  • Aids elimination of hairballs and coughing;
  • Aids in arthritis or ligament issues;
  • Aids healing of digestive disorder;
  • Helps sedentary dogs feel energetic;
  • Helps prevent or control diabetes;
  • Great for general wellness;
  • Disinfects cuts;
  • Clears up skin conditions;
  • Prevents and treats yeast and fungal infections;
  • Makes coats;
  • Improves digestion and nutrient absorption;
  • Helps reduce weight;
  • Regulates and balances insulin, and promotes normal thyroid function;
  • Reduces or eliminates bad breath in dogs;
  • Reduces allergic reactions and improves skin health.

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