Sunday, June 26, 2016

Autism reversed using Chelation

Autism reversed using Chelation Therapy with TD-DMSA to get the mercury out


Child who is previously able to speak develops autism after vaccination, ceases eye contact and stops talking. After chelation, he regains ability to speak and is able to form whole sentences.

This video is a must watch for any adult who knows an autistic child

Scott Shoemaker says
This is perhaps the most AMAZING thing I have ever witnessed or been a part of. I have never posted this publicly but I have shared this at conferences and support groups I have spoken at. I decided to share this for the people that do not understand autism, and for the parents of these kids and others that do not understand recovery from it.
In my opinion, this is the best proof to date showing that a child diagnosed with autism can recover and lose their diagnosis in a very short time without behavioral interventions**. I get choked up every time I watch it.
My son turned 14 last week. He has come a long way from the child in this video. He never knew he had a problem when he was younger until I recently told him. He does not remember any of it.
Since April is autism awareness month and my son now understands what happened to him when he was younger, I decided to post this video. There has been a lot of publicity lately about the movie #Vaxxed (that the government and CDC don't want you to see). It is a true story about a senior vaccine safety scientist working at the CDC who recently came forward admitting that his research group destroyed evidence connecting vaccines and autism. It is about corruption in the CDC and is not an "anti-vaccination" film that the CDC would like you to believe. Everyone should see it.
I, like many other parents that have (had) a child with a diagnosis, believe vaccines played at least a part in my son's problems, and I am all about raising awareness on this issue. There definitely needs to be more discussion about this in light of recent events.
If the autism rate keeps climbing like it has, it is estimated that by 2032, half of all children born will be diagnosed (80% of all boys). I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would look the other way.
Children with autism can recover and lose their diagnosis (and this video is proof of that), by taking the things out of them that vaccines and our environment put in.
When nothing is certain, anything is possible.
Happy Birthday, Josh! You are an incredible young man! I love you, buddy, and I am so proud of you! You ROCK!
**Note: For the record, I am not against behavioral interventions, and I believe that most children with a diagnosis would benefit from them. Joshua recovered so rapidly, I did not feel that he needed them.

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