Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Autism Equals Parasites

Source: http://prepareforchange.net/2016/06/06/vaccinations-are-injecting-parasites-into-our-children/

Everyone caring for an autistic child must see the video below.

Some vaccines kill, especially those that are untested. Robin Goffee was not told beforehand that her son was going to be given a vaccine that is untested. Her son is now alive but autistic. Many of the other children who were given the same batch of vaccines died on the same day they received the vaccine. They were reported to have died of "sudden infant death syndrome". The vaccine continued to be used even as the doctors knew children were dying because of it.


Robin Goffee to explain how she discovered that her son's autism was largely caused by parasites (worms) and their effect on her son's blood. She says that the vaccines (sudden multiple viruses shocking the body and causing prolonged mucus production in the intestinal tract) turn the intestines into an ideal breeding ground for worms.

According to On The Wasting Diseases of Infants and Children (a medical book by Eustace Smith) "The favorable opportunity (for parasites) manifests itself through mucous disease developing from an overburdened viral overload to the digestive system. One of the critical times is in babies under 6 months old. An overload of viruses at this time can lead to mucous disease, and subsequently, parasite infestation."

At 18 minutes 30 seconds into the video: "Among 138 persons who were insane patients at an asylum, when autopsies were performed post mortem, round worms of several species were always found."

"When my family realized and accepted the possibility that our son's autism may be caused by parasite infection, it was not long before we could see that we had our answer."

"It is understood that worms produce material that are toxic to their host. These toxins can change the chemistry of the blood."

"We began a protocol to remove the parasites, and soon found evidence of parasites and worms in his stool. We then saw a change in our son, including his countenance."

"The most universal symptom of parasite infection is  the mere presence of eosinophils. (Our son's lab tests show that) indeed there is presence of eosinophils..."

"The laboratory guide said that the tests would include 22 variations of parasites, but in the end, they really only tested for 2 (the lab trying to save money by not running all the tests?). (The test results were negative for parasites.)"

"Despite the negative results and the false sense of security, we started an anti-parasitic protocol. (We found) more than 400 feet of worms that we got out of our son less than 6 months after these negative results."

"Autism equals parasites."

"These worms only started dying when we applied herbs that kill worms and parasites."

"Autism is a chronic state of toxic parasite infestation. The parasites are spewing ammonia and amphetamine chemicals. Our children are living in a drugged like state from parasites their entire lives, and it is labeled Autism."

"So fare I have gotten over 1000 feet of parasites out of him in 2 years."

She continues to say that when worms die, bacteria move in decompose the worm, and toxins flood into the patient's blood stream, causing suffering so massive that they hurt themselves physically just to take their attention from the pain inside them. Therefore, killing all the worms all at once will cause massive suffering and injury and possibly death to the child.

She then describes the techniques she uses to kill the parasites at a manageable rate, speaking of the herbs and other things she uses and the way she uses them.


for more information, check out




  1. The father of an autistic child in Slovenia showed me photos of worms. So the vaccine = autism equation is proven.

  2. COVID-19 is not a virus and is not an epidemic of disease. Is an epidemic of CORONA666 WHO Satanism.
    And a vaccine is not a vaccine and the equation is a vaccine = genocide!
