Friday, April 20, 2018

Design Sustainable Product Design Solar-powered Trashpresso converts plastic and fabric waste into floor tiles

Miniwiz Trashpresso tiles
© Miniwiz
A 40-foot shipping container platform holds a complete mobile waste recycling plant capable of upcycling plastic and fabric waste into architectural tiles.
Dealing with recyclable materials in the developed world, which often has a recycling infrastructure in place, isn't nearly as difficult as dealing with waste in off-grid and remote areas, where plastic and other waste materials would require costly hauling to a location with recycling facilities. But a new device from Miniwiz, a company which focuses on "turning post-consumer waste into high performance materials," could be one solution for not only handling recyclable waste items in isolated communities, but also for upcycling plastic and fiber waste into architectural tiles, or converting it into raw materials for further manufacturing processes.
One of the key elements of the Trashpresso machine is its self-powered nature, thanks to solar panels on its exterior, which means that it doesn't require access to the grid or a generator to produce enough electricity for the waste upcycling processes. Another is its physical format, which is the size of a standard 40-foot shipping container, that allows the Trashpresso to be moved nearly anywhere a tractor trailer can reach, including remote locations.
According to Miniwiz, "Once stationed, the TRASHPRESSO container opens much like a satellite unpacking in orbit. Trash is collected locally, then washed, shredded, melted, and molded through an automated process. The water required for cleaning the trash is reused by being cycled back into the process." The Trashpresso machine was unveiled in Shanghai on Earth Day 2017, and documented by National Geographic for the new documentary series "Jackie Chan Green Hero."
According to NewAtlas, the Trashpresso will be deployed in July of this year "to clean up the glacier region of NianBao Yuze, which sits on the Tibetan Plateau and feeds into the Yellow, Yangtze and Mekong rivers," and which has seen a recent increase in litter due to growing tourism.
"Until now, industrial grade recycling was limited to plants. The Trashpresso overcomes the distance and energy barriers by showing that recycling is possible everywhere. Not only does it serve to transform trash on-site, it also serves as an educational tool in isolated communities." - Arthur Huang, co-founder and CEO of Miniwiz

Taiwain-based Miniwiz has been working on waste-to-materials since 2005, and has developed products like Polli-Brick, a building material made from 100% recycled PET plastic, as well as designing and building store interiors from waste-based materials for such companies as Nike.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Ormus from the Sea

ORMUS Plants
by Barry Carter

In early May of 1997 I learned about a gentleman from the Northwest who knew of some new techniques for making ORMUS. I learned of this gentleman from an ORMUS colleague named John.  John and I arranged to drive up and meet with this fellow.

When we got there we were greeted by a short, dark haired fellow in his late fifties. He gave us permission to record our conversations but requested that we keep his name and contact information anonymous. When we eventually put the methods that he taught us on the Internet we decided to call this gentleman the Essene because he did not want his real name revealed.

The Essene told us that he has always remembered a past life as an Essene on the Dead Sea. He said his first memories of this came when he was living on the coast as a child.

He said that at the age of six, he was allowed to go fishing on the pier by himself. He caught some fish and put them in a bucket but decided to dump them and fill the bucket with ocean water instead. He took this water home and added lye to it till precipitate fell out. Remembering the process from his life on the Dead Sea, he washed the precipitate and ate it. He says that he has been eating this in one form or another till the present.

We learned how to make the white precipitate of sea water using the Wet Method from the Essene on May 18, 1997.

About a year after my first visit with the Essene
I wrote an article on ORMUS in Paramagnetic Forest Soils in which I speclated that ORMUS might have amazing agricultural and ecological benefits if applied to plants.

I actually visited the Essene at his place four times. The third time I visited him in October of 2000 he showed me some giant walnuts that he said were grown using the Wet Method ocean water precipitate as a mineral supplement. He called this precipitate C-11 (or Sea-11) because he said it contains eleven m-state elements from sea water.

You can read the story of these giant walnuts here:

M-state Walnuts by Barry Carter

The benefits of ORMUS for plants are generally best realized by the Wet Method precipitate from salt sea water. Here is the Wet Method in review:
  • Slowly bring the pH of ocean water, Dead Sea water or raw sea salt (dissolved in water) up to 10.78 and no higher using a tablespoon of lye (sodium hydroxide) dissolved in ½ cup water.
  • Let the resulting precipitate settle, siphon the clear water off the top and add fresh water to wash it.
  • Repeat the second step three or four more times.
As the pH is raised to 10.78 you will notice that the pH seems to hang for a long time around pH 9.8 - 9.9.  This happens because the lye cannot raise the pH as long as it is being used up in reaction with the ORMUS and magnesium in the sea water. This pH curve looks something like this:

You can also purchase the precipitate from the ORMUS providers which are listed at:

Once you have the precipitate it is very important to apply it at the appropriate rate. It is typically applied at the rate of one to three gallons per acre (ten to thirty one liters per hectare) for each crop. (This is usually just once a year for trees but will be with each planting for grasses which get multiple cuttings.)

I have calculated the application rates for ORMUS precipitate in agriculture and Sea-Crop, one of the ORMUS providers, also has a page on this at:

My fourth visit with the Essene in October of 2001 corresponded with the visit of one of the ORMUS producers. He started making the C-Gro (now Sea-Crop) product in 2004. You can see pictures of some of the results of using this product on plants at:

and on the Sea-Crop site.

In August of 2003 I gave a series of presentations on ORMUS in North and South Carolina. These presentations were arranged by Dana Dudley. After hearing about how to do the Wet Method in one of my workshops Dana told me that she was working with some folks who had been using ORMUS precipitate from Great Salt Lake water for plants. Dana contacted these folks and got some ORMUS Oranges from them. These oranges were four and a half times as large as ordinary supermarket oranges.

Home gardeners are also sharing amazing results with the use of ORMUS precipitate on their plants. If you are interested in documenting and sharing the results you are getting with plants I have created a page with helpful suggestions at:

At one of my ORMUS Workshops on May 16, 2004 I showed some folks how to make the ORMUS precipitate with Dead Sea salt. I gave the precipitate I made to several people and one of these people, a woman named Jane, wrote me a note telling me what she had done with the precipitate I made:

From: Jane
Subject: The Rose
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2004 12:35:00 -0700

The roses are still alive, and growing.  The first went into ORMES right after your second workshop in Kingston [May 16].  The second went into the same solution a month later.  Both were cut long stem roses from the supermarket.

In October of 2004 Jane sent me a video description of this rose plant. The cut rose was still alive and growing in a bottle of water five months after her husband gave it to her.

A gentleman named Ted had several plant boxes on his deck. A couple days after he heard me talk about ORMUS at a lecture in Ashland on May 2, 2005 Ted watered his plants with Pacific Ocean ORMUS precipitate. When I returned to Ashland on May 20, 2005 Ted gave his report on the effects of the precipitate on his plants.

From all of these observations we are quite confident of the following results:
  • Cellular respiration is increased
  • Phototropism is increased
  • Increases photosynthesis
  • Increases carbohydrate content of sap
  • Increases soil micro flora
  • Increases nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil
  • Increases phosphorous leaching fungi
  • Improves soil tilth and aeration
  • More resistant to insects and disease
  • Has saved diseased orchards
  • Less need for pesticides
  • More drought tolerant
  • More transplant tolerant
  • Fruit is larger and better tasting
  • Produce lasts longer on the shelf
  • Mineral and vitamin content increased
  • Plants produce sooner
  • Crop yields are increased
  • Application is easy
  • Application is inexpensive
  • Organic
  • Non-toxic
  • More resistant to freezing
There are also indications that animals receive great benefits from eating plants which have been grown with ORMUS. In an on-line book titled HEALTH & SURVIVAL IN THE 21st CENTURY by Ross Horne we find the following passage:

Started feeding mice both experimental and control, food that was raised on the Ray Heine and Sons Farm. The experimental food had been raised on soil fertilized with 2200 pounds (per acre) complete sea solids. The control food was the same as the experimental with the exception that it was not fertilized with complete sea solids. The food consisted of a combination of one part soybean, two parts oats, four parts corn, balanced food proteins, carbohydrates and fats for mammals.

C3H mice were obtained for this feeding experiment. This strain of mice has been bred so all the females develop breast cancer which causes their demise. The mice were two months of age when received and started on the feeding experiments. The life expectancy of this strain for females is no more than nine months which included the production of two or three litters. The experimental and control groups both consisted of 200 C3H mice and those fed on control food were all dead within eight months seven days. The experimental mice that were fed food grown on the sea solids fertilized soil lived until they were sacrificed at 16 months; definitive examination revealed no cancer

Though this experiment was done with whole sea solids (including the salt) I think we can presume that these benefits will also apply to animals that eat plants grown with the ORMUS precipitate.


[Back to first page] This document may not be reproduced except in its entirety, and without changes.  Before trying any of the procedures described in this document, we advise you to thoroughly read this document several times.
This document was created by a group of people who believe that this information is of inestimable value to humanity and should be made widely available as soon as possible. The information here is declared to be in the public domain and we wish that it not become the sole property of any individual or group.
Here we describe some simple ways of making ORMUS so that readers can begin true scientific and intuitive experiments with these materials.
All of these methods are experimental.  The following information is presented to promote scientific research into the nature of these materials. Although these methods are based on our best knowledge at this time, further scientific research may prove some of these processes or theories to be inaccurate.


The processes described here have not all been tested extensively. We do not guarantee the procedures in this document, nor the results obtained by using them. To the extent that you use or implement these procedures or the products thereof, you do so at your own risk. In no event will the authors of this document be liable to you, anyone else, or any organization or government, for any damages arising from your use, or your inability to use these procedures or the product thereof. Apply these procedures at your own risk.


The material made by some of these methods has been tested by an independent lab using X-ray fluorescence and photo spectrometry to identify the emission spectra of m-state materials.  (The lab prefers to remain anonymous).  The m-state spectral emissions signature was a broad, flat band rather than discrete lines.  The test also showed a significant amount of calcium and magnesium, but no toxins were evident in well-washed material made from unpolluted ocean water. To further prove that these materials are a different state of the precious elements mentioned above, it is possible to electroplate these elements out as precious metals.
People familiar with Hudson's process claim that the materials produced using these methods are similar to Hudson's ORME materials.


We do not recommend the ingestion of these materials since so little is known about them. This information is being provided so that scientific inquiry can commence into the nature of these materials. We realize that, despite recommendations to the contrary, some people will ingest these materials. With this in mind we offer the following information to minimize any possible adverse effects from ingesting these materials. Please read the WARNING and CAUTION sections. Some people have ingested the m-state materials made by these methods. They suggest that benefits are most likely when dosage is kept small.
Three methods of making ORMUS are described in this document: the WET method, the DRY method, and the BOILING GOLD method. For the materials extracted by the wet and dry procedures, one teaspoon of material, morning and evening, has been found by them to be not harmful over several weeks' time. A much smaller dose, on the order of a few drops a day, would be more appropriate for the material produced by the boiling gold method. We believe that the m-state may be homeopathic, so a much smaller dose may be the safest -- such as 1/64 teaspoon diluted in one quart of pure water, taken two or three ounces once or twice a day.
David Hudson gave some information on dosage in his Dallas speech at:


You can find a discussion forum on the WhiteGold Web page. There you can post comments and questions on these procedures, and on ORMUS in general. WhiteGold Web page:


  1. Overview
  2. Necessary Supplies
  3. pH Paper or pH Meter
  4. Safety
  5. Wet Method
    1.  Starting Materials
  6. Problems Encountered
  7. Avoiding Problems

  8. More in another document...


This document describes three methods of producing ORMUS: the WET method, the DRY method, and the BOILING GOLD method. All three methods use a chemical lab technique called "measuring pH."  The pH of a solution is a measure of its acid/base ratio. You may remember testing pH with litmus paper in high school. pH values less than pH 7 indicate an acid, like distilled white vinegar.  pH 7 is neutral, like pure water.  Greater than pH 7 is alkaline, like lye.
ORMUS precipitates between pH 8.5 and 10.78.
The WET method produces the least "effective" material but is relatively simple to perform.
Here is the basic WET method in brief.  It will be discussed later in detail:
    1. Start with drinkable water or clean sea water.
    2. Slowly add a solution of lye mixed with water to raise the pH above 8.5 but no higher than 10.78.
    3. A white fluffy precipitate will form which you should allow to settle overnight.
    4. Remove the liquid above the precipitate.
    5. Thoroughly wash the precipitate.  It is calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, and a small amount of m-state material.
Here is the DRY method in brief:
    1. Start with dry mineral powder.
    2. Boil it in lye water at pH 12.
    3. Filter and discard the precipitate.
    4. Add distilled white vinegar or hydrochloric acid (HCl) to the filtered liquid to lower the pH to 8.5.
    5. Let the precipitate settle overnight.
    6. Remove the liquid above the precipitate.
    7. Wash the precipitate.  That is calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, and a small amount of m-state material.
And here is the BOILING GOLD method in brief [the BOILING GOLD METHOD has never worked for those who have tried it and we don't recommend its use]:
    1. Boil gold dust in a lye solution.
    2. Filter out any solids.
    3. Add distilled white vinegar or HCl to the remaining liquid to lower the pH to 8.5.
    4. Let the precipitate settle overnight.
    5. Remove the liquid above the precipitate.
    6. Wash the precipitate.  It is almost pure gold m-state material.


A glass or stainless steel pot. If you use stainless-steel pots, check for steel particles in your precipitate. Although unlikely, this problem may occur if you use large amounts of HCl to lower the pH. Never use aluminum containers or utensils because aluminum will react with acids like HCl and alkalis like lye, and will poison you. Distilled water from a grocery store.
A stainless steel spatula or knife for stirring, from a grocery store. Never use aluminum containers or utensils because aluminum will react with acids like HCl and alkalis like lye, and will poison you.
A few glass jars.  Tall skinny ones work best.
Lye (sodium hydroxide or NaOH).  We will use the term "lye" in this document rather than "sodium hydroxide" or "NaOH" since it is shorter and more familiar to most people.  Grocery store lye, such as Lewis Red Devil Lye, is not as pure and uncontaminated as laboratory or food-grade lye.  We strongly recommend that laboratory or food grade sodium hydroxide be used if the m-state is intended for ingestion since grocery store lye may contain dangerous contaminants.  Note: Virtually no lye will be present in the final product so it will be safe to ingest.  In any case, lye is not toxic, and it is not caustic when sufficiently diluted (as in these methods).
HCl (hydrochloric acid or muriatic acid).  We will use the term "HCl" in this document rather than "hydrochloric acid" or "muriatic acid" since it is shorter.  You can use muriatic acid (31% HCl) from a hardware store, but laboratory, electronic or food-grade HCl is less likely to be contaminated.  We strongly recommend that laboratory, electronic or food grade hydrocholoric acid be used if the m-state is intended for ingestion since muriatic acid from a hardware store may contain dangerous contaminants.  The presence of iron as a contaminant in the acid may interfere with the m-state materials in some applications.
Three eyedropper bottles from a pharmacy.  An alternative to eyedroppers is squirt bottles made of HDPE.  Find them at a natural foods store or other store which sells bulk liquid products like vegetable oils or lotions.
A large 50 cc plastic syringe from a veterinary supply shop or a lab-supply house. Some suppliers are listed near the end of this document under LAB SUPPLIES.
pH paper or a pH meter.  You can get pH paper (pH 1 to 12) from a lab-supply company or a mining supply store.  Use new paper because old paper becomes inaccurate.  Some suppliers are listed near the end of this document under LAB SUPPLIES.


Some experimenters say not to rely on a pH meter because its readings vary with temperature and ionization.  Also, a meter costs much more than pH paper.  Many pH meter probes can be damaged by very strong acids or alkalis.  But some say that a pH meter is essential, for these reasons:
  • pH paper cannot track rapid changes in pH.
  • pH paper does not resolve pH readings finely enough.  It's hard to tell the difference between pH 9.5, 10.0, and 11.5.
  • pH meters are best used to get accurate readings between pH 8.5 and 10.78, which is the main range of concern in these methods.
  • pH meters can spot check any reading with a standard buffer solution.
  • a pH meter is more convenient.
Use only a meter that has an automatic temperature-correcting function up to 100 degrees C.


Clean your containers so that you'd feel safe drinking out of them.  Boil containers, syringes, siphons and so on before use to sterilize them. CAUTION!!
Lye can damage the eyes by rendering the cornea opaque, a form of eye damage that is irreparable.  Lye can burn skin, clothes and eyes.  Work near a sink, faucet, or other source of wash water.  You might keep a spray bottle of distilled white vinegar handy to use against spills.
If you spill lye on your clothes or body, immediately wash it off with lots of water.  When working with lye, avoid touching your face or rubbing your eyes.  Do not handle lye around food. Use adequate ventilation such as a range hood.  Do not dump waste water on the ground.  Lye is generally safe to put down the drain, but don't mix it with any acid that may be in the drain as it can react explosively.
When working with lye, please wear goggles or a full-face visor (an industrial face protector), neoprene gloves, and a PVC lab apron.  Sources for this safety clothing are in the Appendix near the end of this document.
Keep children and pets away from the work area, and do not leave it unattended if children or pets are around.
Glass can shatter with hot liquids.  Pour boiling liquid from your heating container into a stainless steel mixing bowl to cool before pouring the liquid into a glass container.



Some starting materials produce a lot of precipitate, while others do not.  Listed below are materials that have been shown to produce some precipitate from the WET method:
  • Some municipal drinking water
  • Some hot springs water without sulfur
  • Trace Minerals Inland Sea Water
  • Urine
  • Some lake or river water whose bed or course is limestone.
  • Some well water.  Ground water is probably more likely to contain m-state than surface water (except for sea water).
  • Sea water and sea water reconstituted from certain brands of sea salt, especially from the Great Salt Lake.
  • Dead Sea water.
  • Certain brands of unrefined sea salt are as good as sea water: Celtic Gray Sea Salt (from health food stores) and Lima Atlantic Sea Salt (from some health food stores).  Add distilled water and use the WET method.  Filter the scum first.
The WET method performed on ocean or Dead Sea water produces eleven different m-state elements. The following materials are ranked in order from most to least m-state content:
  1. Dead Sea water
  2. Salt Lake water
  3. Ocean water
  4. Well water
Listed below are materials that have been found to produce little or no precipitate from the WET method:
  • Water from some alkali lakes (pH above 8.5).
  • Hot springs with sulfur (because sulfur reduces m-state to metal).
  • Mineral-free lake or river water
  • Dead Sea mineral salts that contain sulfur or sulfates, such as "Sea Mineral Bath from the Dead Sea" by Dead Sea Works Ltd. for Sea Minerals Co., and Trace Minerals Research "ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops" from the Great Salt Lake.
For the following methods to work, some researchers claim that magnesium or magnesium hydroxide -- Mg(OH)2 -- must be present in the starting material.  (Since the Boiling Gold method is effective without any magnesium, this claim will need to be tested.)  Sea water already has Mg(OH)2, so you don't need to add it to sea water.  Try your water first.  If you don't get any precipitate, you might add a teaspoon per gallon of Epsom salts to the starting material for its magnesium.  If you do add Epsom salts, the magnesium from them will be a large portion of the precipitate. WARNING!!
The following problems have been encountered by some folks who have made m-state for consumption:
  • Some people have gotten quite sick from consuming m-state made from sea water collected at a marina.  This water contained high levels of lead and other contaminants.
  • Other people have gotten quite sick from consuming m-state materials which were made improperly.  These materials were made without the use of pH test paper or meters and the resulting material contained toxic metals.  Please remember that old pH paper can become inaccurate.
  • People have gotten sick from consuming m-state materials which contained bacteria because they were not sterilized or stored properly.
  • It is possible to bring the pH of your source material up too quickly, especially if you use lye in too high a concentration.  This could result in local areas of very high pH within your solution.  These high pH areas could allow toxic metals to precipitate and mix with your desired precipitate.
  • M-state platinum might be considered toxic by some since it makes you quite ill if you consume alcohol.  No one has reported this effect from consuming m-state from sea water.
  • Some people have used Teflon® coated aluminum sauce pans for heating lye or lye water.  The Teflon® got scratched and the aluminum started dissolving in the lye water producing hydrogen gas which could have exploded.  The liquid was contaminated with aluminum which is a poison.


  • Use sea water, reconstituted sea water made from sea salt or Dead Sea salt, or salt lake water.  In general, start with a clean and deep source of water.  Some people have gone out to sea in boats to collect sea water from 100 feet deep.
  • Generally avoid water that has lead, arsenic or other toxic elements in it.  Start with water that is drinkable except for salt content.
  • Conduct an elemental and toxic analysis of questionable starting-material sources (such as seawater collected close to the shore, or near sources of industrial waste runoff).
  • Boiling in lye water kills bacteria but it does not destroy toxic metals or chemicals in your source water.
  • Follow these instructions and slowly change the pH of your solution.
  • Avoid water with sulfur or sulfates in it because such water produces little or no m-state precipitate.
  • Never use aluminum containers or utensils because aluminum will react with acids like HCl and alkalis like lye, and could poison you

Monday, April 9, 2018

Burn Sea Water for Power?

H2O (Water) can be converted into HHO, a gaseous unstable flammable form of water, by high voltage electricity (think millions of volts) or high frequency radio waves (about 13.56Mhz). Search “Kanzius burning sea water” and “Stanley Meyer” on YouTube.
Modern electrical engineering denies this, but it’s been proven many times. Large areas of science, medicine, and archaeology are involved in cover-ups these days. (Search Michael Cremo and Dr. Royal Raymond Rife on Youtube)
The total wattage used in the conversion to HHO is rather small, since high voltage electricity (or high frequency radio waves) produce huge gains in efficiency. This makes the conversion doable by the power generated from the alternator in your car.
All power on Earth could be produced by burning sea water.
However, if we start burning sea water instead of oil, then are we dooming ourselves even more? If we significantly reduce the amount of water on the planet, then it would cause mass extinctions of plants and animals and destroy humanity.
So, let’s run the numbers and see how long it would take to reduce the amount of sea water by .1% (1/1000 reduction)
Firstly, we’re losing water into space through the high atmosphere. The high end of this estimate is that the Earth has lost 1/4 of its water, about 22 billion gallons of water per year for the last 4 billion years. The low end estimate is that we’ve lost about .1% of our water into space, or 88 million gallons per year. (Google: Earth losing water into space)
So, if we lose another .1% of our sea water, then we should still be A-OK.
We consume about 100 Trillion kWh of Energy every year (Known as our Final Energy Consumption). We burn about 1.5 trillion gallons of oil per year to produce 33% of the world’s power (including all sources: transportation, electricity production etc.)
Therefore, we would have to burn about 4.6 trillion gallons of oil per year to produce all of the world’s energy from oil.
Burning sea water is about 40 times more efficient than burning gasoline. (We’re going to ignore the oil lost in the refining process)
The average MPG for gas engines is 25, and you can get about 1000 MPG burning sea water (because of the huge volume increase when you go from liquid H2O to gas HHO). Additionally, only about 5% of the HHO gas is actually burned. The other 95% recombines into water and drips out the exhaust pipe.
So, to equal the power output of 4.6 trillion gallons of oil, we would have to burn 5.75 billion gallons of water per year. ( (4.6 Trillion / 40) / 20 = 5.75 billion )
There are approx. 352 quintillion gallons of water in the seas. .1% of this is 352 quadrillion gallons.
So, how long would it take us to burn 352 quadrillion gallons of sea water? The answer is about 61 million years. (352 quadrillion / 5.75 billion).
However, let’s say that the rest of the world’s living standard goes way up and our power consumption increases by 5 times. It would still take us about 12 million years to burn .1% of the sea water on Earth. But, let’s say we go really crazy with power consumption and we leave the lights on 24/7 and we all drive Hummers or Abrams tanks (.5 MPG with gas) and our energy consumption goes up by 100 times. It would still take us about 600,000 years to burn .1% of the sea water on Earth.
If we can’t find a better energy solution than burning sea water in the next few hundred years, then honestly we deserve to go extinct. So, all in all, burning sea water is still a way better idea than burning oil.
So, when will we have conversion kits that we can buy to convert our cars into running on sea water? Probably about 5 years after science pulls its collective head out of its mainstream butt, and when the government stops assassinating free energy inventors. And so, when will that be? Well that my friends, depends on you!

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