Monday, April 9, 2018

Burn Sea Water for Power?

H2O (Water) can be converted into HHO, a gaseous unstable flammable form of water, by high voltage electricity (think millions of volts) or high frequency radio waves (about 13.56Mhz). Search “Kanzius burning sea water” and “Stanley Meyer” on YouTube.
Modern electrical engineering denies this, but it’s been proven many times. Large areas of science, medicine, and archaeology are involved in cover-ups these days. (Search Michael Cremo and Dr. Royal Raymond Rife on Youtube)
The total wattage used in the conversion to HHO is rather small, since high voltage electricity (or high frequency radio waves) produce huge gains in efficiency. This makes the conversion doable by the power generated from the alternator in your car.
All power on Earth could be produced by burning sea water.
However, if we start burning sea water instead of oil, then are we dooming ourselves even more? If we significantly reduce the amount of water on the planet, then it would cause mass extinctions of plants and animals and destroy humanity.
So, let’s run the numbers and see how long it would take to reduce the amount of sea water by .1% (1/1000 reduction)
Firstly, we’re losing water into space through the high atmosphere. The high end of this estimate is that the Earth has lost 1/4 of its water, about 22 billion gallons of water per year for the last 4 billion years. The low end estimate is that we’ve lost about .1% of our water into space, or 88 million gallons per year. (Google: Earth losing water into space)
So, if we lose another .1% of our sea water, then we should still be A-OK.
We consume about 100 Trillion kWh of Energy every year (Known as our Final Energy Consumption). We burn about 1.5 trillion gallons of oil per year to produce 33% of the world’s power (including all sources: transportation, electricity production etc.)
Therefore, we would have to burn about 4.6 trillion gallons of oil per year to produce all of the world’s energy from oil.
Burning sea water is about 40 times more efficient than burning gasoline. (We’re going to ignore the oil lost in the refining process)
The average MPG for gas engines is 25, and you can get about 1000 MPG burning sea water (because of the huge volume increase when you go from liquid H2O to gas HHO). Additionally, only about 5% of the HHO gas is actually burned. The other 95% recombines into water and drips out the exhaust pipe.
So, to equal the power output of 4.6 trillion gallons of oil, we would have to burn 5.75 billion gallons of water per year. ( (4.6 Trillion / 40) / 20 = 5.75 billion )
There are approx. 352 quintillion gallons of water in the seas. .1% of this is 352 quadrillion gallons.
So, how long would it take us to burn 352 quadrillion gallons of sea water? The answer is about 61 million years. (352 quadrillion / 5.75 billion).
However, let’s say that the rest of the world’s living standard goes way up and our power consumption increases by 5 times. It would still take us about 12 million years to burn .1% of the sea water on Earth. But, let’s say we go really crazy with power consumption and we leave the lights on 24/7 and we all drive Hummers or Abrams tanks (.5 MPG with gas) and our energy consumption goes up by 100 times. It would still take us about 600,000 years to burn .1% of the sea water on Earth.
If we can’t find a better energy solution than burning sea water in the next few hundred years, then honestly we deserve to go extinct. So, all in all, burning sea water is still a way better idea than burning oil.
So, when will we have conversion kits that we can buy to convert our cars into running on sea water? Probably about 5 years after science pulls its collective head out of its mainstream butt, and when the government stops assassinating free energy inventors. And so, when will that be? Well that my friends, depends on you!

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